the conservative party, the Christian democrats and the Liberals are trying to shift the focus away from the necessary actions of the klimatomställningen by focusing instead on a debate about nuclear power. Now it is proposed also to the social-democratic think-tank of the Time and that the government should invest in nuclear power. I have been a part of in the efforts to develop a new social climate. On many issues we think alike, and look as a single of the needs of, for example, to implement a significantly increased klimatinvesteringar. However, when it comes to nuclear power, the lands, we are in to completely different conclusions.
We don’t need nuclear energy in order to cope with the klimatomställningen, there are significant security risks, and that’s a bad thing, from an economic point of view. To invest in new nuclear power plants would imply that the central government, locking in huge investments for a long period of time in the future, in a technique that does not bear his own costs. At the same time, we are seeing a rapid development and a reduction in the costs of renewable sources of energy. This is a trend that is likely to be brought up on the state of the place will begin to subsidise nuclear power.
This is a common claim of the use of renewable sources of energy are not going to be able to produce enough electricity when the wind is low, and the winter days extra cold. Experience has shown that, on the contrary, the wind blows more in the winter, and vattenkraftdammarna, then it can be filled up and kept for the few very cold days when the wind is less. At the Royal institute of technology, royal institute of technology, conducted a large-scale research on the potential of the smart additions of wind power.
What about if all the cars in Sweden to be electric cars? It is estimated that they will have some 11 terawatt-hours of electricity per year, or, to put it in a relationship, 7 per cent of the total production of electricity in a day.
this is An argument that is recurrent in the debate, that is to electrify more parts of the community, we will need it. Is certainly the case with this? Let’s take electric cars, for example. What will happen if all vehicles in Sweden to be electric cars? It is estimated that they will have some 11 terawatt-hours of electricity per year, or, to put it in a relationship, 7 per cent of the total production of electricity in a day.
If all cars could run on electricity, would the wind itself, meet the need, and much more. We must bear in mind that Sweden is in nettoexporterar of electricity, there is a possibility that the decrease of the export, and the use of electricity nationally, rather than, as the need arises.
Sometimes it can sound like nuclear power is the only thing planerbara source of energy, but there are also other planerbara sources of energy that we can invest in instead of nuclear power. Have a unique, well-developed district heating system, which is to provide heat and electricity to the energiåtervinna of the waste that cannot be reused or recycled. When burned, both heat and electricity are produced. As the nation’s power plants are now set to make use of a renewable fuel, it makes more sense both economically and environmentally, to promote the generation of electricity, which would be to be able to be part of the package when the fjärrvärmebolagen produce heat, do not invest in nuclear power.
This means that nuclear power is hardly a long-term view in any other perspective than having a negative impact on the environment. In the first incident, the production will be limited, and the creation of elförsörjningsproblem.
there are many of us who would like to believe that Sweden should lead the way and show the world that it’s going to be a zero carbon välfärdsland. Nuclear power is not a part of that, to show them the way. To invest in new nuclear power plants would be expensive, stupid and dangerous for all of us. Now, let’s help each other to move the focus away from the sidodebatten of nuclear energy to the vital discussion about how we are changing to a more sustainable society.