The General University Hospital of Elche has performed the first robotic colon cancer resection in the Valencian Community using the Hugo equipment. Furthermore, the intervention with this robot is also one of the first in Spain.

The operation consisted of the removal of the affected colon segment and the subsequent reestablishment of intestinal transit. To do this, they have used the latest generation robot called Hugo, along with the latest surgical device technology available on the market, as indicated by the Elche hospital center in a statement.

The General Surgery and Digestive System service of the General University Hospital of Elche was already the first to carry out a less complex surgical intervention assisted with Hugo last September.

The Hugo RAS system, in which the Ministry of Health has invested a total of 2,376,440 euros, is a robot-assisted surgery solution, designed for a “wide range” of minimally invasive surgical procedures for the specialties of General Surgery, Urology and Gynecology.

The robot is made up of a modular platform with four autonomous arms that move easily from one operating room to another, adapting to different spaces.

The equipment combines a console from which the surgeon operates, connected to the four arms that have articulated instruments and advanced surgical technologies, and a high-definition 3D visualization system.

This platform has been designed to expand robotic-assisted surgery and bring the benefits of minimally invasive surgery to more surgeons and patients.

The surgeon maintains full control during the procedure performed with the Hugo RAS system. Thus, by using a joystick in each hand and pedals on the feet, the surgeon controls the robot arms and the instruments while he remains seated at the console.

The open console design versus older closed-system robots offers the surgeon a high-definition 3D view of the surgical field “without sacrificing visualization of the operating room environment.” In this way, you can easily communicate with all staff.

Likewise, he added that in hospitals with a “broad and long-term” teaching and university vocation, such as General de Elche, this open system allows students and surgeons in training to attend surgery in the first place.

The robot is focused on complex surgical interventions, where it will allow better visualization and handling of instruments compared to classic laparoscopic surgery. Professionals estimate that, among all the hospital’s surgical specialties, more than 200 patients per year can benefit from this technology.

In this sense, the head of the General Surgery service and professor at the Miguel Hernández University, Antonio Arroyo, explained that with the acquisition of the Hugo RAS system they improve patients’ access to “the latest technological advances”, such as assisted surgery. by robots and artificial intelligence.

“In this way, more users can benefit from minimally invasive surgery, a surgery that involves fewer complications, fewer days of hospitalization, a better postoperative period and a faster return to daily activities,” he highlighted.

Likewise, he pointed out that the Hugo robotic system, which provides the “most advanced and innovative” medical technology, allows working “with greater precision, better visualization and better ergonomics.” “In the coming years, a widespread implementation of robotic surgery is expected in Spain and Europe, as is happening in the US. In our case we are lucky to already have it in our Hospital,” the specialist emphasized.