
"Ecstasy Kingpin" From Brockton Forfeits $2.3M In Bitcoin to Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Rachael Rollins, U.S. attorney in Massachusetts, stated during the announcement that the government had entered the cyberworld and she insists that they will "find"...

Warner Bros. launches hybrid physical and digital DC Comics-Themed NFT trading cards

DC multiverse fans can use the Hro app to access their favorite DC heroes, supervillains and other DC characters.Warner Bros. Warner Bros.Warner Bros. plans...

Bored Ape Yacht Club donates $1 million in Ethereum to Ukraine as a result...

To match the efforts of other BAYC members who have raised almost $1 million for Ukraine, theBAYC matches community donations, sends $1 million in...

Fractional Investing Company Buys NFT Startup Otis

Public's coCEO believes that the acquisition will allow Public to offer people the only place "where people are able to invest in -- or...

Anchor Nips at Aave’s Heels as Defi protocol Becomes the Second-Largest Loan Application

However, Anchor's total value locked (TVL), has also increased a lot over that period. Anchor Protocol is currently second in defi lending platform TVL....

Ethereum's Defi Dominance Drops 14%, Value Locked In Defi Shrinks to $55 Billion in...

The total value locked (TVL), in decentralized finance protocols, has fallen below $200 billion to $196.02 Billion on Sunday morning (EST). Ethereum holds 55.54%...

Rarify, a provider of NFT infrastructure, receives $10 million investment in the Series A...

Pantera Capital, a prominent cryptocurrency-based venture capital company, led the round. In light of the increasing popularity NFTs have in various fields, including gaming...

Opensea Supports NFT Support with Solana-Based Solana Based Images

Jane Manchun Wong, a tech blogger well-known for leakage of information about yet to be launched features on specific tech platforms, discovered the images.Tech...

Microsoft's Minecraft Goes Web3 With "NFT Worlds" on Polygon

A few developers not affiliated with Microsoft are updating Minecraft's Web3 video game.NFT Worlds is a project that uses third-party Minecraft servers and a...

Despite being attacked, the decentralized battle game Illuvium is still highly anticipated

Dec. 31 Illuvium’s official Discord channel was phished by attackers who directed users to a website pretending to be Illuvium’s NFT platform. This caused...