the While the Ether holds the course bravely over the 250-U.S.-Dollar mark, the Ethereum Foundation every effort to develop its own Ecosystem. So you published a Roadmap, in which they presented their plans for the next 12 months: the future Ethereums.

By Phillip Horch
22. May 2019ETH$253,00 0.80%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As the Ethereum Foundation to your Blog communicates before the project with the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation, extensive changes. Thus, the Team wants to put first, before all the money in the internal and external development of the project:

In the next year, the Ethereum Foundation is planning a 30 million US dollars for [important] projects in the Ecosystem to spend. This Budget is declining ETH-rate movements independent.

Thus, the team of developers, the announcement continues to build, “the Ethereum of Tomorrow”. This includes the following new features:

ETH 2.0: Client Teams, Research, VDF (Verifiable Delay Function), documentation, and communication layer 2: State Channels & Plasmadie work on eWASM-project smart-Contract-language verification, Monitoring, and specification of the work-process research and development of Zero-Knowledge, incl. ZoKratesRecherche and development of Ethereums “Phase 3 followed by”direct collaboration with academic institutions, as well as the inclusion of exceptional research talents to

Without these plans in Detail to carry out would like to develop the crypto project, the existing implications of the technology. Accordingly, the Plan is to ensure that Ethereum “the world’s leading Smart-Contract-remains the platform is.” The Team plans to spend in the coming year, a total of eight million dollars.

development in Asia

in addition, the further Plan, to support the existing developers in Team. So it is said in the 12-month Plan:

Ethereum is a platform and the developers that build on it, are an important part of our future. It is important to invest in the relationships with the developers, the training and the Onboarding process in order to increase the Ethereum community and to ensure our continued success. This is particularly important in Asia, where a significant growth opportunity for Ethereum is.

we expect also an increased awareness of the second largest crypto-currency after Bitcoin.

Ultimately, one can anticipate that, if all developments are to arrive, or carried out, which will ultimately have a significant influence on the Ether-course. Finally, it is fundamental developments that bring the entire ETH-Ecosystem of their future closer.

To the Ether-course is here.

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