occurs with Coinbase in the competition. After the company was previously only available as a Blockchain Analyst and Wallet providers in the scene to notoriety, wants to operate, the company is now also a Bitcoin stock exchange.

31. July 2019BTC$10.056,00 3.96%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail is one of the old-timers in the Bitcoin business. Since 2011, the site runs a Block Explorer, which allows Users of different crypto-currencies of the can will speed of your transactions. The later launched a Wallet Service is one of the most successful ever. According to its own figures, 25 percent of the daily transactions run on the Wallets of

This popularity, the company will lift on a new level. Because, as the various specialist reports in the media, according to go within the next two weeks, a new Exchange at the Start, to be operated by . The stock exchange with the name of the PIT to join the already existing Wallets of the provider, so that Investors have the opportunity to interact instantaneously from their Wallets in trade relations with other market participants. This is particularly positive effect on the liquidity of the sole and the competition – for example, Coinbase – out.

in addition to Bitcoin will still be 25 other crypto-Assets on PIT traded.

The competition is superior?

In the development of PIT was involved, according to information from “an All-Star Team consisting of veterans of the NYSE, TD Ameritrade, Google, Goldman Sachs, UBS […]” and the likes. What it (claims to) came out, especially speed. Because, as writes on Twitter, is superior to the Trading speed of the competition.

Unmatched speed. Our Matching Engine unlocks the true potential of trade in #crypto. We are currently the only crypto Exchange, which is a measure of the latency in micro-seconds. We can hardly expect that you will FEEL this difference when you actually Act.

Just the speed, it was that in matters of stock exchange, the chaff of operation be separated from the wheat, says Nicole Sherrod, Head of the Trading division in the Blockchain:

in volatile markets speed is of the utmost importance. I wouldn’t feel comfortable if I would private investors with a platform that does not put you in a situation that you get in as quick as a flash in a trade and out of it could come.

stock exchanges are trends in the market places with monopolization. Finally, Investors tend to be and investors to trade at those markets where the liquidity is greatest. If so the improved speed alone will be enough to reach out to Coinbase, Binance & co., the water is uncertain.

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