Bitcoin knows no stopping. Almost every day, a new year is created high. The current movement looks more than promising. Ethereum could also Shine in this week. Meanwhile, also met the price target on the upper side. Ripple is not coming so clearly from the place, nevertheless has a buy-signal is generated.

Thomas Hartmann
26. June 2019BTC$12.769,00 , 7.26%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

further Details about the courses of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple get you in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple – rate analysis KW26 – by March of Bitcoin.

watch This Video on YouTube.Bitcoin (BTC/USDT)

We consider the value pair BTC/USDT on Bittrex. Coin assessment: bullish

Bullish variant:

An excerpt from the previous exchange rate forecast:

The 9.262 US Dollar have been run. About 9.262 US Dollar, the next price target is

9.727 US Dollar.

An increase of about 10.046 US Dollar can’t bring the Connection up 11.541 U.S. dollars.

The course objectives on the top of the page have been processed. Another course objective on the top is 14.960 US Dollar. For this purpose, the Bitcoin would have to overcome the exchange rate the upward trend from July 2018.

Bearish variant:

The upward trend may not be sustainable overcome. The rate resets on the support area between 11.541, and 11.860 USD. A sell signal is generated when slipping under the support at 9.261 US Dollar. Then, the area around the 8,000-again-US-Dollar-brand interesting.

Ethereum (ETH/USD)

We consider the pair of ETH/USD on Bitfinex. Coin assessment: bullish

Bullish variant:

An excerpt from the previous exchange rate forecast:

The support area between 241 and 263 dollars will be used for further price recoveries. The objective of the course is then for the time being, in the course of high-289 US dollars. In addition,

339 US dollars

to stand.

The objective of the course was picked up, with a tolerance of two dollars.

Any increase in from the Ethereum-course on 279 US Dollar is extremely bullish. The top edge of the resistance area to overcome, at 366 US dollars, is sustainable, can be identified as the target price the level at 405 US dollars.

Bearish variant:

The course of Ethereum falls under the US $ 279 back and breaks the connection the support area between 241 and 263 dollars. The target on the bottom, then,

196 US dollars.Ripple (XRP/USD)

We consider the value pair XRP/USD on Bitfinex. Coin assessment: slightly bullish

Bullish variant:

An excerpt from the previous exchange rate forecast:

Ripple does not fall under the support, which is at 0.38 US dollars. It is a daily closing price on 0,46 dollars finally manage.

The eruption by days closing price is successful and attracts more interested buyers. The parent objective to

0.67 and US Dollar.

On the way, the Very from 6 may. November 2018 0.57 US Dollar, the Ripple rate difficulties.

Bearish variant:

Again, the force is not sufficient in the case of Ripple. The breakout above the 0,46-US-Dollar-brand turns out to be a false breakout. Ripple falls back to the upward trend from September 2017. This currently runs at 0.34 US dollars – and rising. The target price , then,

0,30 US dollars.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is the illustrated rate estimates do not constitute buy or sell recommendations. They are merely an assessment of the analysts.

Charts on 26.06.2019 using trading view created.

USD/EUR exchange rate on the cut-off: 0,88 euros.

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The prices of Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum & co. can be found here.

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