In collaboration with the Custody company, Etana has the Bitcoin exchange Kraken introduced a new way, Fiat currencies, and pay off. Without registration nothing going on here, of course.

By Christopher clover
At the 2. August 2019BTC$10.507,00 4.72%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The American crypto-Exchange, Kraken allows customers to trade Bitcoin & co. against Fiat currencies. The company announced on 29. July on his Blog known. In collaboration with Etana, a company with a focus on Custody solutions for Fiat and crypto-deposits, and A Kraken-users and payments in five different Fiat currencies (Euro, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, British pound Sterling, Japanese Yen) to make. To do this, you need to create a Etana Wallet. However, it is still not done.

focus Advanced investors

The Bitcoin exchange Kraken has a three-stage verification model. If you only want to trade small amounts of Bitcoin & co. (“Starter Level”), needs to register with name, E-Mail, address, date of birth and phone number. “Starter” can have a maximum withdraw $ 5,000 per day, but only in the Form of crypto-currencies. Deposits and withdrawals of Fiat money at this Level is not possible.

deposits and withdrawals of Fiat money, it is necessary to octopus customers have the Status of “Intermediate” [advanced] or “Pro”. Further refinement to fall ication measures, such as the submission of a copy of the identity card.

anyone Who intends to be a assets to increase over Etana with Fiat money, you must consider the fees. The flat rate of 35 Euro/US-Dollar/etc. deposits in the area of the minimum payment sum rather unprofitable. The additional costs of 0.125 per cent move, however, in a conventional framework.

After all: Etana is a currency offers exchange. Customers can almost transfer any Fiat currency on your Etana-Wallet and then into one of the five of Kraken supported Fiat exchange currencies.

The Fiat-crypto pairs on Kraken

Not every crypto currency can be traded on Kraken against Fiat. On the Website of the company, a list of the supported exchange is pairs. After that, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) are only two of the largest Cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation, fully against Fiat money tradable.

For XRP, the Californian FinTech companies Ripple created crypto Asset with the third largest market capitalisation, can’t be traded against the British pound. For other Coins, such as the cult-Coin Doge, exist on Kraken no Fiat trade pairs.

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