Gold is a store of Value, Bitcoin would like it to be. It is not a myth that the so-called riskoarmen Assets, i.e., Cash positions and Gold, in contrast to more volatile investment perform classes such as real estate or shares in times of economic downturn. Who wants to hedge against global liquidity crises, the holding of Gold, so the Tenor. Whether Bitcoin in times of economic downturn can be his Narrative as a non-correlated Asset requirements.

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This question is investigated Grayscale Investment in a recently published report. In “Hedging Global Liquidity Risk with Bitcoin” discusses the world’s largest asset Manager for digital assets such as BTC performs during the political and economic discord. The Credo, you guessed it, is used to bullish.

The working hypothesis is simple: During economic recessions Parking investor, your capital tends to be in value-holding asset classes with low volatility, such as Gold. In the process, they pull capital out of riskier forms of investment such as shares, the already battered stock prices continues to affect. So one of the major stock indices declined during the global financial crisis between 2007 and 2009, the rate of the S&P 500 – by a good 50 percent. Gold wins, however, in crises, sometimes even more valuable. Gray scales assumption: In this score even BTC fails.

liquidity crisis-only a matter of time

With forecasts to do difficult economic scientists. A normative statement, when the next Crash is pending, it is difficult to make. However, Grayscale indicates two factors, which are considered to be very poor sign: The global debt and the ratio of debt to economic output, as measured by the accumulated global gross domestic product. The first option ranks highly with 250 trillion US dollars at an all-time. The second is currently about 300 per cent; that is to say that the global debt load is greater than the real economic performance of a triple. You must not have a degree in Economics to recognize this as a problematic development. With low interest rates the debt can be still good to use. Only, for how long?

Grayscale: the Portfolios do not hold economic crisis

Should be through exogenous shocks such as an outbreak of the simmering Trade dispute between China and the United States said liquidity set the crisis, in fact, set is the least of your portfolio to it. Because, as Grayscale, current portfolio structures are optimized to values much on risky Assets, such as real estate or shares. In this structure, you be to Changes in the economic framework is extremely vulnerable.

Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is suitable, however, shown to have a good portfolio against the performance of hedge losses, according to the authors of the study. Finally, Bitcoin is on the way, properties that suggest an above-average Performance in time of economic crisis. So BTC is like Gold, as a so-called Store of Value (the value store). At the same time the functionality of BTC go beyond the digital gold. After all, who wants to, can find plenty of ways to pay with Bitcoin. Cash as well as Gold positions have proven in the past to again and again as a wise investment during economic crises.

the Third promise, in the future, solely because of Bitcoins value as to expect the decentralized, digital, censorship-resistant replacement for Gold with an immense growth.

With the continuous introduction of Bitcoin Bitcoin is a transparent, immutable and global Form of liquidity, which can offer both the protection of assets as well as opportunities for growth.

Like Bitcoin, according to the Grayscale in global crises

behaves According to the Grayscale BTC can withstand these hypotheses in the empirical Review. For this purpose, the investment Manager sets out a number of examples, in which the crypto-currency no 1 as a valid Investment had proved to be.

Greece (April to June 2015)

In the Wake of a possible Grexit would also be a departure from the Euro and a debt was cut. In January 2015, there were also stringent capital controls. This has underlined the influence of governments on markets, of course – the share prices fell, the MSCI Emerging Price Index lost 10 percent of their value. At the same time, Bitcoin rose to a whopping 28 percent.

Brexit (June to December 2016)

On the day of Brexit-announcement there was a large-scale Sell-off of stocks, bonds and foreign exchange. Also in this period performed a Bitcoin with a Plus of 7.1 per cent above average. As we know, is the modalities of the Brexits anything other than out. Investors Grayscale recommends, therefore, to put a small portion of your portfolio in BTC against the risks connected with an exit of Britain from the EU, secure.

US-China trade war (2019 to ?)

U.S. President Donald Trump has on 5. May formally punitive tariffs on a number of Chinese products in the annual volume of 200 billion dollars collected. The United States and China are the two largest economies in the earth. According to the Grayscale, these two countries represent 40 percent of annual economic output.

The IMF has recently warned against a further escalation of trade disputes:

The recent escalation could affect the mood in the financial markets significantly, the global supply disrupt chains and the projected recovery of global growth in the year 2019 at risk.

Since then, the import duties Trump on a number of Chinese products to 25 per cent, has raised, is BTC has risen by 41 percent.

conclusion: Grayscale not an objective observer of the market

Grayscale Investments to be signed in its recent report, a Narrative that is Bitcoinern popular: Bitcoin as a digital replacement for Gold. It is obvious, the hypothesis that Gold (and digital Gold) performs at times of economic crises, well above average, to test and BTC are applicable.

However, it is in Grayscale, an asset Manager that pursues a clear economic Agenda. That the company chooses examples that support his hypothesis, is obvious. Finally, the Trust manages a total of 1.2 billion US-dollars of capital, he is solely in crypto-Assets. This should also be noted that correlation does not imply causality. Just because a positive BTC Performance in the past, with the economic plight of countries (see Greece) correlated, does not mean that this has to happen in the future.

BTC grows in cycles. Since the data on the future Supply in the source code for any publicly available is the only factor that affects the rate of the demand. Although demand shocks can also be caused by exogenous events induced. In the long term, the BTC-price growth is simply cyclical, regardless of whether the economy is in downturn is.

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