the In an analysis of Smart-Contract-data and a recent study by BitMEX presents the evaluation of the ICOs of the last few years. BitMEX notes accordingly that a large proportion of the profits remained in the team. But also that the evaluation of Smart Contracts leads to inaccuracies.

By Phillip Horch
18. January 2019BTC$3.611,38 0.12%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Bitcoin exchange BitMEX has released its third study of ICOs. The analysts have studied the amount of capital generated by each of the Teams behind the ICOs. As you can see from the study, had the Token in its output a total value of 24.2 billion dollars. In the meantime, this number had fallen to five billion dollars. This is a Minus, as you can see from the study, mainly due to exchange losses on the crypto-market.

in Total, there were thus 54 percent of its value loss, which were generated in the case of ICOs. That is however not mandatory, that no one could skim a profit. Because, as the study further said, held all of the editor team of ICOs to the best times of the tokens of a total value of 80 billion US dollars.

gains in spite of a fall in value of

What you must note, however, separately: The study investigated only the assets and the value of the Token, which had the respective Teams of the ICOs, and not the investors. So it is called accordingly:

“In contrast to ICO investors had investment in the team, neither a bid price nor an initial. However, these immensely high ratings to some of the trading activities, which is why we think it is still interesting to consider these Figures […].“

Overall, were the team of the ICOs as a Token to the value of five billion dollars, “money that you basically got for nothing.” Furthermore, according to the study, generated the Teams Token sales to at least 1.5 billion dollars on Token sales.

Read also: What is ethical ICOs?


Ultimately, BitMEX acknowledges, however, that it was impossible to come here to the “real” Numbers. To the extent that the disclosures are estimates only. To means problems in the methodology finally:

“The methodology used was incomplete and we have not delved into individual projects. We gained the data through the analysis of the Smart Contracts and the pattern of transactions on the Ethereum Blockchain. For this purpose we used machine Learning to establish a team-driven address cluster for the Team of each project. The data therefore represent a probabilistic estimate, and are at the level of individual projects is likely to be inaccurate.“