the The Brazilian Bank BTG Pacual SA plant information in your CTOs, according to the issuance of a Security Token. This should be linked to the value of Brazilian real estate.

22. February 2019BTC$3.955,29 0.90%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

ReitBZ (RBZ) announced the latest foray in terms of STOs. As the chief Technology officer of the Bank, Gustavo Roxo, announced in an Interview before the Token Sale short. The goal is to sell tokens to a total value of 15 million US dollars.

The collected capital will then flow in the battered real estate sector in Brazil and new liquidity supply. The Bank aims to invest primarily in properties in the big cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Recession, real estate prices were due to the currently low – which implies that a huge price increase potential.

This, according to the Bank, allow it to expect annual returns of up to 20 percent. These are to be paid in the Form of regular dividends to the investors.

With the blessing of the Winklevoss twins

In the case of the STO also have the brothers Winklevoss your hands in the game. Because during the 90-day sale to investors ReitBZ can purchase tokens, among other things, also with the U.S. Dollar-Stable-Coin Gemini dollars.

In the connection to the STO, the company would like to ensure, however, with Listings on classic Bitcoin exchanges also for a secondary market. Thus, investors can also bet on a rising price value of the RBZ.

With the Token Sale wants to talk to the Bank first and foremost, investors with high risk appetite:

BTG uses his own capital to provide liquidity, because it is really believe in crypto. We have developed this structure, because we believe that investors have in the digital world, a higher risk appetite,

it is called by Roxo.

Read also: A forgotten asset class of The bond, and their Comeback by Security Token

Curiously, preclude the Bank, in addition to U.S. citizens also Brazilians of the STO.

STOs: Land in sight!

STOs are enjoying lately growing in popularity. The new Form of Token Sales could improve by ICOs damaged Image of this capital vehicle.

recently, the BaFin permitted the Bitbond-STO Germany’s first Security Token Offering. We reported on it.

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