The trillion major financial firm Fidelity Investments announced in the night to Tuesday, the 16. In October, a Trading Desk for Bitcoin & co. in. The company is planning the creation of a subsidiary, which is to be for the management of digital assets responsible.

According to Goldman Sachs announces the next Wall Street firm to your entry in the crypto sector. According to reports, Fidelity Investments is planning the Launch of Fidelity’s Digital Assets, a subsidiary that focuses exclusively on the Management of digital assets.

The Investment conglomerate has pursued since 2014 the development of the crypto-market and registered in the recent times, a growing demand for professional financial service providers like Fidelity. Compared to Bloomberg, the future Board of Directors of Fidelity Digital Assets, Tom Jessop commented, follow these steps:

“While there are for private investors in many ways, to buy crypto-and to act, we have not seen any similar developments for institutions.”

I have Heard that the service from Fidelity Digital Assets is two-fold: firstly, it includes the management of the digital assets of their clients and the Trading Desk, investors with Bitcoin & co. can act.

The storage of the digital value of the plant Fidelity. This served the purpose of the market entry barriers for investors, without reducing the specific knowledge of the security risks associated with crypto currencies. Jessop:

“The assets are digital Bearer bonds. Therefore, the safekeeping of the Private Keys must comply with […] professional security claims. That’s what we did.“

No Exchange planned

Contrary to the obvious assumption is planned to be on the platform no stock. Rather, Fidelity to the crypto-trade through existing channels. The company acts as a middle man and promises to make the best possible trade partners for Trades. This can also be classic Exchanges.

The epitome of the Big Money

according to Fidelity managed assets of over seven trillion dollars. The company, headquartered in Boston, is one of the largest asset managers in the world. A study by the ETH Zurich, Fidelity is, with its approximately 27 million customers as the third most influential companies in the world economy.

Also in terms of experience with crypto-currencies, the financial services provider is by no means green behind the ears. In addition to positive Statements, Blockchain & co. the company has a strong focus on technological innovations and the works for 2015, even as a Bitcoin Miner.

With the early announcement of the group gains a clear competitive advantage. Here is a Player that seems to step on the Plan, which has not only the means but also the Know-how, the way for institutional investors to free up. The launch of Fidelity’s Digital Assets falls expected in the first quarter of next year.