Coinmarketcap-customers can now access a new metric to assess the “health” of crypto-projects.

From Stefan Schäfges
14. August 2019BTC$11.401,00 -0.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

as of today, the 14. August, is available to all registered users of the crypto-course page Coinmarketcap the rating system FCAS of the company Flipside Crypto available. FCAS means Fundamental Crypto Asset Score, and a constant comparable in value to the “health” of various crypto-currency projects. Flipside Crypto provides analysis and Business Intelligence for companies.

It is the second Phase of the cooperation between Coinmarketcap and Flipside Crypto. Since March 2019 FCAS can be found on the Website of Coinmarketcap to.

The FCAS is used to characterize a crypto currency project. The current Version of Coinmarketcap now offers access to reviews of more than 500 crypto currencies. For this purpose, all price levels, including free basic Version, accessible. In addition, the current Version combines high ratios, such as Return of Investment, the all-time, the all-time low, and other Performance statistics with the API System.

The CEO of Flipside Crypto, Dave Balter, is shown in the press release to be happy about the agreed cooperation with Coinmarketcap:

We could not be happier, CoinMarketCap as the first API-Distributor of FCAS and sub-components to announce.

he Also said that the crypto-firms Mature, and that he sees in the development and placement of products in certain key factors. In addition, the acquisition and retention of customers is another important step. These factors should have an impact in the long term, the price and the value of the projects.

Better decision-making capabilities by quantitative data for investors

BTC-ECHO had already reported in October 2018 about Dave Balter. At the time, he predicted a growing demand for Fund Management solutions and spoke of a connection between technology and Investment. The FCAS offers investors the possibilities to evaluate your potential Investment technically.

Carylyne Chan, CSO of CoinMarketCap, said that the users can drag through the quantitative data of the API, more and more accurate conclusions. In the future, the API will be expanded to include paid services, so that better decision making is possible. The FCAS analyzed over 100 billion events and a comparison of resulting developed image to the Performance of the various crypto-currency projects.

On the home page of Flipside Crypto the rating system is explained. The FCAS are operated from three bases of the project life cycle. This is the user activity, the behavior of Developers and the market maturity. The user activity is the use of the Project as well as the network activity. The developers have taken into account the behavior Code-Changes, Code improvements, as well as the Community. The market is made up of the liquidity and the market risk.

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