the Also, the crypto-investment funds in the bear market to Stumble. After most of the crypto-company-scaled in the course of the Bull Runs from the last-year high, a fall in the expectations. However, there are strategies that in the face of declining rates of profit can be profitable economies.

11. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

The crypto cold these days, even Fund managers of crypto-focused investment Fund in the life. As The Block is reported, to fight many of the hedge funds to Survive. Because of the persistent bear market prompted many investors to pull their Investments from the Fund, in order to prevent further losses. The result is that the crypto-Fund less cash and cash equivalents, in order to realize investment projects.

in order To heal from the Crash-Phase, the Fund Manager, therefore, creative solutions come up. As Ari Paul, Manager at block tower Capital, said to The Block, now is the time, with the tight Budget responsibly.

“We go with the capital prudently, and to think about the Return on Investment. If we, for example, make a trip to Asia, then we will ensure that this journey is four times as valuable as a trip to California.“

The Other gave to Paul to record that the period of ICOs was passed. For a large part of the Fund Manager Token Sales are after the Bursting of the bubble the end of 2017, there is simply no attractive Investment. The continuing investigations against a variety of ICOs on the part of the SEC provides then among the investors, not just for a sigh of Relief.

What to do?

Which strategies are not able to place investment funds on the day, to get through the bear market in Existenznot?

Short-strategies : With Shorts on crypto-currencies can be these days earn a lot of money. Tetra’s Capital, for example, shortet since may of 2018, passionate Ethereum (ETH). Via the Medium the Fund Manager, explain why. For you ETH don’t have the stuff to can Bitcoin ever the water-rich and so the Manager decided to bet against the ETH. A good decision, when you consider that ETH performs even for bearish conditions very bad. the Market-Making : Those investment firms that have survived the crypto Winter so far without serious frostbite, polishing, as a rule, as a Market Maker. Thus, The Block was, according to a small but relatively stable profit skimming. the venture capital Investments : crash, offer the opportunity for young Start-to-work ups with a little more peace of mind in the development of their products. To invest is an opportunity for investors in projects, which lay the foundations, in the next Bull Run to come.Fund managers throw in the towel

another Problem that is looming in the Wake of sales by 2018, is the result of a dysfunctional incentive structure for managers. Because the salaries of many of the Fund managers are tied to the Performance of the Fund. The Fund will complement the investment contracts with so-called Water Marks, which are contractual clauses which prevent the payment of Performance fees to the achievement of specific course objectives.

As Anthony Pompliano, “Off the chain”-podcasters and Asset Manager at Morgan Creek Digital, in a Blog post writes, the Reach of these Water Marks, it is hardly possible. This could lead many managers to make the Scots tight, because they earn too little.

Pompliano, so it will only get worse before it gets better.

it has A Good but: Those companies that spend the winter in the bear market, should emerge stronger from it.