the The price of Bitcoin could easily win. In the meantime, Ethereum and Ether-Token Ripple and its XRP obsolete tokens, and climbed back up to number 2 in the crypto-currencies with highest market capitalization.

By Phillip Horch
At the 2. January 2019ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

It blows in a gentle positive breeze on the crypto-market in the new year. So not only is the price of Bitcoin not to submit something. Also the Rest of the crypto market, it looks good so far. Ethereum was able to overtake Ripple, therefore, again and climbs to second place in the crypto currencies with the largest market capitalization.

Ethereum (ETH) back to square 2 in front of Ripple (XRP)

Also if your Use Cases differ, sometimes strongly, to fight the two projects, Ethereum and Ripple, as before, place two in terms of market capitalization. The Ethereum project, Vitalik Buterin is the Blockchain-based Smart Contracts and dApps. As a means of payment, the Ether is used in the process Token. This won in the last 24 hours, 8.5 per cent. With 147 dollars, he is at a market capitalisation of 15.3 billion dollars.

So Ethereum was able to overtake Ripple. Ripple wants to revolutionize, as a company, however, the international payment traffic. To do this, it uses the XRP-Token, wherein, however, it is not tired to emphasize, that it is on the one hand, and on the other hand, to a means of payment. However, With a market capitalization of 14.9 billion US dollars Ripple or XRP-Token back to square two. The Ripple price (XRP) is currently $ 0.36. He rose in the last 24 hours of 2.37 percent.

Bitcoin is still at square one

the Undisputed winner in terms of market capitalization (and notoriety) continues to be the mother of all crypto-currencies. The price of Bitcoin is currently just under 3.846 dollars. In the last 24 hours, it rose by almost 2.5 percent. The market capitalization of Bitcoin is currently just under 67,1 billion dollars. Even if it was announced in the past differently: From the throne of Ripple, Bitcoin could crash to date.