After a four-month Beta Phase, a new decentralized Exchange sees the light of the world. The Eosfinex Exchange builds on the EOSio technology, a sort of scaling solution for the EOS network. But also applies here: Just because DEX is on it, is not necessarily the DEX in there.

31. July 2019BTC$10.038,00 4.08%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) are, in theory, a fine idea: Instead of a centralized exchange platform takes care of the orders of the investors, will be handled at the distributed counterparts of the trade on a Blockchain. This has several advantages. For one, investors have control over your Private Keys, so that the Exchange can drive no playing fast and loose with the crypto-owned by the investors. This is a quite serious attack vector, for example, have shown the turmoil around the canadian Bitcoin exchange QuadrigaCX. On the other DEX – in theory – offer the possibility to trade in the Anonymous. The stock exchange says it with the decentralization seriously, there is no KYC necessary, after all, the network is as a decentralized organization, legally it is hardly comprehensible.

DEX on the EOS-Protocol

according to a press release, the BTC-ECHO is present, shows, yesterday, Tuesday, 30. In July, a new DEX in the Ring increased. The speech is from the Eosfinex Exchange, the – the Name suggests – on the EOS Blockchain is built. After a four-month test period, investors are allowed to set since yesterday your Order on the platform. This Bitcoin Hodler, however, to short. Because so far exactly four tokens from the EOS are available on the Website Ecosystem tradable: EOS, RAM, EOX and EMT.

And here it is strange. Because a quick look in the Coin-almanac Coingecko reveals that three of the four tokens as either “inactive” listed, or is not even to be found. Only the Top 6-Coin EOS brings it to a veritable market capitalization, which justifies an Exchange Listing. According to orphaned also, the order looks like then book, here on the example of RAM/USDT.

Although announced Eosfinex a long time ago, to lists the Bitcoin derivative tBTC, a kind of Stable Coin, which is coupled to the value of BTC. But the DEX seems to be far away.

Also, with the decentralization, it does not seem to be far away.

Because, as you can see from the above Screenshot out of the terms and conditions of use, are investors from the USA, Canada and Switzerland from the Trading is excluded.

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