The Chinese police managed to make an impact against a Ring of illegal Bitcoin-Miner. Blown by the Mining activities due to the strong increase in electricity consumption of the affected energy provider notified.

Brigitte Bernhardt
16. July 2019BTC$10.414,00 -1.35%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

More than 20 people in Jiangso province, in the East of China, to have suspected of illegally Mining equipment for Bitcoin mining companies. The police began to detect, after a local energy company reported unusually high power consumption. Overall, the illegal Mining to have stolen farms electricity worth about 20 million Yuan (almost US $ 2.9 million).

The police in Zhenjiang reported that the officials seized almost the 4,000 miners from the illegal Bitcoin operations. This is not likely to be to the Chinese guards only in terms of the illegal use of electricity.

for the Miner in Bitcoin, the stronghold of China?

Many Mining companies chose China as the location due to the Surplus of cheap electricity. In fact, the world’s largest Mining Pools are located in the people’s Republic. Likewise, China has the most private Bitcoin investors. The restrictive attitude of the Chinese government changed till now, nothing: Already in 2017, China had banned ICOs, as well as all domestic Bitcoin exchanges closed. As a result, the crypto-hostile policy Binance moved, for example, currently the largest trading exchange for Bitcoin and Altcoins, is now home to the Server from Hong Kong to Tokyo and then to the crypto-friendly Malta. Recently, the Chinese people’s chamber on 8. To April 2019, known, Bitcoin-Mining ban. BTC-Echo reported.

The Bitcoin investors of the regulatory efforts and Banned by the Chinese government unimpressed. And also, the most recent report, the Mining from China eliminate, did not change the positive mood on the stock markets, quite the contrary: As the price of Bitcoin climbs since April, 2019 continuously to the top, with a provisional year-High of almost 13.800 Dollar, on 27. June. Since then, the Course is very moving, in both directions.


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