The Foundation Group has received an order from the BaFin, the approval of a Public Security Token Offering (STO) in Germany. It is the second company in Germany that makes a BaFin-licensed STO, which is also open to retail investors.

By Sven Wagenknecht
24. July 2019BTC$9.883,00 -1.21%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

So to be collected 250 million euros for the financing of real estate projects. To learn more about the project, we met with the three founders Florian Glatz, Robin Matzke and Thomas Ermel. What are the advantages of Tokenization real estate brings and how the market will develop in the next three years, they have betrayed us in the Interview.

BTC-ECHO: What motivates you to take a tokenized property bond to offer?

Thomas Ermel: As someone who has for many years structured AIFs and assets, the possibilities of Blockchain technology is the decisive factor. Because of the technology, some disadvantages for both investors as well as issuers, to substitute. So, for example, the access for foreign investors is significantly improved.

Second, traditional financial products such as AIFs, assets or securities usually are not fungible. That is, there is no existing secondary market to the investors in their securities may sell.

on average, our investors were 60 years old and have invested 20,000 euros. Who has exceeded a certain age, is not ready to plant products, which have a term of 10, 15 or more years. The liquidation of tokenized investment products is, however, technically at any time, 24/7, i.e. individually, are very possible in the short term. Furthermore, investors are able to act independently of banks and small amounts to invest – even if we appeal to our a Token with a focus on institutional investors. Receipts and payments with crypto-currencies are also available on request. Tokenized bonds offer great flexibility.

BTC-ECHO: Is there a specific property that you want to purchase?

Thomas Ermel: We have not yet bought property. We have several projects for which we already have a possible purchase option secured for the first objects that is likely to happen in the next six months. In addition, we have a number of strategic partners in the Pipeline, as will happen in the next few months.

BTC-ECHO: Can you tell us more about the design of eures Token?

Thomas Ermel: The product is quite simple: There is a variable interest, calculated on the profit. We structure a bearer bond, without that, we are talking about a fixed interest rate, but make these Equity-like. The investors are in the same financial position as if they were shareholders of the Issuer. That means that you get the full Upside.

BTC-ECHO: Since you have filed a securities prospectus successfully, BaFin can now invest even small investors in real estate tokens. What has you motivated to go the stony way to the securities prospectus approval?

Robin Matzke: In the financial market it comes to trust. This is achieved by personalities, an impeccable Track-Record and, of course, by a good securities and markets. The BaFin has an excellent international reputation – just because they look so carefully and particularly strictly. If you manage to be a BaFin-regulated, this is a big advantage.

The Retail prospectus with the BaFin also has the advantage that you could also make a minimum investment of one Euro. Although the product is for institutional investors is designed. Retail investors also have the opportunity to invest. By the way: Also in the secondary market tokens are available in the denomination of one Euro tradable.

BTC-ECHO: If we are on the topic of secondary markets. You already have an exchange in views, where you listed could be?

Florian Glatz: We have Long been in conversation with the Stuttgart stock exchange. We assume that the secondary market for a Security Token is still in this year. We want to be listed as one of the first Token in there. At the same time we are talking with exchanges in Malaysia, Singapore, and Liechtenstein. So we have some exchanges on the secondary market in view. At the latest, in the next twelve months there will be so a internationally reliable infrastructure.

Robin Matzke: We have Token a classic ERC20 -. This is also peerpto-peer and decentralized Exchanges are tradable. It’s been going on.

BTC-ECHO: How much you want to collect with your STO and how the medium looks use specifically?

Thomas Ermel: Our Token has an emission volume of EUR 250 million and the Investments in the long term, investing in German real estate.

BTC-ECHO: Where do you see yourself with the Foundation Group in three years and how the market in which you are, has hitherto developed?

Robin Matzke: We see the diversification of different tokenized Assets with a great future. We offer our Services also for other Asset managers, for example, we speak up to date with ship managers. But also in the areas of renewable energy or Private Equity tokenization is a big issue. The market is still to evolve within the next three years and potentially, a significant volume of reach. In five years, I believe, is the capitalization of Tokens to the Standard.

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