the Adena Friedman, Head of the securities exchange, the NASDAQ, apparently holds large pieces on Bitcoin. The crypto-currency no 1 is an extraordinary invention, the deserve to continue in existence. There are applications, however, are lacking.

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In the run-up to the annual gathering of the greatest minds in the world economy, refers to NASDAQ’s Director Adena Friedman, a clear position: “crypto-currencies could still be the global currency of the future,” she writes in a comprehensive post on LinkedIn. Thus, it is clear that the CEO of the largest electronic exchange in the United States is, without a doubt, “Team Bitcoin”.

The development of a new asset class crypto is comparable to “the classical life cycles of new inventions”. The Boom-and-Bust cycles of the Bitcoin were not unusual.

Now, it is the fact that the technology find practical application in daily use; otherwise, a similar fate as the Segway Personal Transporter: the threat is a nice idea, but unusable.

Bitcoin is still an asset class to the

In the article, the stock exchange, the head of the Causa Bitcoin approaches, with reference to the exorbitant growth of the market capitalization, from an investment perspective:

“It is […] difficult to ignore the huge investment sum, the investors […] in the last few years, digital currencies have invested. The invention itself is a huge Testament to ingenuity and creativity, and she deserves the Chance to find a sustainable future in our economy.“

in order for a “sustainable future” with crypto-currencies is possible, would have to occur immediately but a more sensible regulatory framework. Because only a broad, institutional adaptation could follow.

NASDAQ goes Bitcoin Futures

your Bullishness in terms of Bitcoin underlines the Manager again in an Interview with CNBC.

Read also: DX.Exchange: shares of Apple, Tesla and Facebook, soon on the Blockchain

in it, Friedman announces that NASDAQ is considering unspecified crypto-Future. You but am still at the very beginning and still had to clarify some of the regulatory issues before you compete with the competent Supervisory authority, the CFTC, in contact.

if You would like contracts, but from the existent Bitcoin futures, such as Cboe, Bitcoin Futures, in structure and Form discontinuation. How, exactly, NASDAQ wants your Bitcoin option contract so elaborated, it remains to be seen.