In our course of analysis, words are not for any understandable fall. Time the price of Bitcoin is bullish, then Ethereum is of course bearish – of MACD, Resistance, and RSI is the speech. So that even beginners can start with these terms a bit, here’s a brief explanation.

By Phillip Horch
3. August 2019BTC$10.793,00 2.69%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

broken roughly down: it Goes with the course is downhill, he is bearish (bearish), when it goes uphill, he is bullish (bullish). You can remember the image is quite simple: The bear strikes with its paw down, the bull pushes with his horns up.

The mood in the bear market, therefore, is ultimately related to the Bitcoin rate to be negative – it goes downhill. When this bear market will begin, is not always easy to tell – the mood can change in the markets right quickly. For investors, a bearisher course, it must be by no means something Negative: Who caught the right Moment, catches the bear and buys, because at some point the market will be again bullish. You can also bet on falling rates – this is called Shorting. How this works is here. At this point, however, it is the counterpart – the Long Position.

The bull market is, in principle, the counterpart to the bear market – it goes uphill. The mood is in relation to the Price development is positive, it is assumed that it is more uphill. Investors who have strike at the right Moment, be happy about rising prices. So far, So good. But when is a bear market to bull market and vice versa? Here the concepts of Support and Resistance come into play.

Resistance, Support and the price of Bitcoin

to keep it short: Resistance is the resistance and support of the course. Both are Level in the Course, where the price of Bitcoin had in the past, difficulty rising or falling. The Resistance is prevented from further upwards to break through the Support will prevent the Bitcoin exchange rate to fall even lower.

If the rate moved to these points, can be from a bull to a bear market and Vice versa. He is testing these lines – the more he turns to you, the stronger you will be. By the price breaks these lines, however, it is likely that the course runs in the same direction.


The EMA or exponential moving average is explained in a special Form of the sliding average value, which takes into account the current exchange rate movements is stronger than the older end. If the price falls below it, acts of the EMA often used as a Resistance, if he is, as a Support.

The MACD line stands for Moving Average Convergence/Divergence and on the behavior between the three moving averages aligned. It gives information about the long-term development. It is positive, it is a bullishes Signal, it is negative, it is a lot of bids due soon Signal. RSI stands for Relative Strength Index and gives information about how the course has within the last time behavior. Thus, the RSI stands above all the latest Trends. An RSI above 50 indicates a bullish, below 50-a bearish price trend. Furthermore, an RSI can help to identify Trend reversals: A RSI above 70 suggests overbought market, while a RSI is below 30 as oversold. Just a low RSI was already turning-often a harbinger of a trend.

when should I buy?

The technical analysis or chart analysis tries to formulate a assessment from which one can derive more trading strategies. The Basis for the trading strategies, the evaluation of other course provides gradients.

If the result of a technical analysis, a bullish evaluation, the Analyst of a positive price trend. A Long Position or the purchase of Coins, which are considered in the analysis, would be the Basis of a trading strategy. In the analyses continue to indicate an Support , the Loss will act as a Stop or as a sort of double floor-can be understood. The Bitcoin should fall back to the course on this Level, one can consider the Position to sell: so sell . The Resistance can be used as an assessment, indicating how far the journey can go – it is a destination, where a course can develop. Here you can set a Target, a goal, in which the Coin sold at a profit – or at least the Situation will be re-analysed.In the case of a last evaluation, it is assumed that the price moves further down. For those investing consider in a Coin, the knowledge of an end to the current bear market helpful. The Support then, at which point a Bounce, a back strong of the course from the point of view of the analysts. On the Basis of the rate analysis, you can then think about a Long Position. The Resistance is another dimension, which is for a Long Position is interesting: the price Rises above this Resistance, that would indicate an end to the current bear market, which is also a good time to purchase.

Both cases are related to new entrants. For investors with a longer period, it is useful, the long-term support to watch. If these are broken, this is a useful exit signal. Former Support, which represent a dramatic case of the Bitcoin exchange rate, a Resistance, are interesting re-entry points.

if you want to know by the way, exactly, may like to read our Tutorials.

This statement was made in collaboration with our analysts, Dr. Philipp Giese.

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