the The Gaming Hardware manufacturer Razer has released a new App, it is now possible to mine while gaming Ethereum. The matter has, however, a catch: The pay is not done directly with crypto currencies. Instead, the user will be rewarded with an In-Game currency.

By Phillip Horch
14. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

in currencies, The adaptation of Crypto and the associated Integration in the areas of everyday life is progressing more and more every day. While the price of Bitcoin is struggling to paws with the all-too-strong Bear, the industry is not of such events to impress. So the only Jobs in the Blockchain-the area is not always popular. Also, the Bitcoin industry is always fixed with institutional investors. Currently crypto make currencies also slow in the Gaming area wide.

Razer offers a new App for Ether Mining

Because of how the company Razer the 12. December announced, the company offers its customers a new App for Mining on the Ethereum block Chain. The so-called Razer soft miner will use GPU Power of devices, to dig in the Backend crypto-currencies. Be rewarded the Gamer with Razer, Silver, platform, internal gambling currency. The Mining is running in the Background while users can play regardless.

Razer wants to beat a bridge between the Gaming industry and crypto-currencies

in order for the hardware manufacturer wants to build a bridge between the Gaming industry and the world of crypto-currencies. It is said on the part of the co-founder of Razer:

“The Software and services of Razer are an integral part of our gamer-centric Ecosystem and complete our Gaming Lifestyle promise to our Fans. Today’s extensive Updates indicate the 50 million registered users of our software platform that we use to expand their experience with the Razer product family, from the simple mouse and keyboard, to the latest Apps for the next Generation.“

With Razer silver can then be In-Game purchases, which vary depending on the game. According to the press release Razer, silver, as well as the additional In-Game currency Razer is gold in a total of 2,500 Games.