No question about it: The euphoria of the end of 2017, you can’t feel on the stock exchanges. Many investors have lost a lot of money and are frustrated with the Performance of Bitcoins. Sure, a glimmer of hope, the recent currencies, upward movement of the Crypto. Similarly, the developer Community behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other crypto-currencies accuse someone, you would not have to expand the technological base. Yes, investors can well hope for a reversal of the trend. But hope alone will not make you rich and can also be disappointed.

Dr. Philipp Giese
28. February 2019BTC$3.823,56 0.06%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

currencies accuse someone, you would not have to expand the technological base. Yes, investors can well hope for a reversal of the trend. But hope alone will not make you rich and can also be disappointed.

What investors remains, then? You will need to take their fate into their own hands. Active Trading is a way. Via Long and Short Positions a Trader can take advantage of various Market situations. The big Problem for many in the crypto market, however, is: How do I go here? How I trade crypto right currencies?

The trading school the cryptographer is holding a Seminar to answer these questions. It goes beyond the well-known basics and gives participants the tools to benefit even in difficult Market situations. In the five-hour Seminar relevant security explains-stock markets and Tools, and approaches for a meaningful technical analysis explained in a personal q & a session on specific questions to be addressed. Participants will also receive exclusive learning material. In addition, the speaker stands for a personal follow-up.

With an insider’s knowledge into the new quarter of

a speaker at the Event, Thomas Hartmann. Thomas Hartmann is not only for the weekly Top 3-course analyses on BTC-ECHO, but can look back on 18 years Trading experience. His focus is on the technical analysis, the tools he uses for 2017 successfully in the crypto market. With the trading school cryptographer, he has taken on the task, the Knowledge that he has when trading in the Forex market or Trading the DAX acquired, enthusiasts in the crypto-to bring the field close.

Read also: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple – rate analysis KW07 – Pump it!

The Seminar “crypto-currencies trading the right way” will take place on 30. March between 10 and 15 clock instead. It will be held in Pforzheim, Germany. To be able to as well as possible to the needs of the individual, the number of participants is 15 people is limited, it is worthwhile to quickly register.

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