the The price of Bitcoin, with over 6,200 US dollars since November of last year, not more. The Bitcoin-strength pulls the entire crypto-market with to the top. At the same time, Bitcoin can expand its market share, with over 57 percent market dominance. However, how does the change of mood comes from, and what speaks to the fundamental for more attractive rates?

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 10. May 2019BTC$6.296,00 4.44%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

just as we have often written about the Potential of institutional investors to enter the crypto market, and talked. Not a few no longer can listen to the inflationary-used Mantra that the Big Money comes with the institutional investors. This changes nothing to the fact that this statement is true. The big money is in pension funds, Family Offices and investment houses.

Suitable in this Narrative of the Bitcoin Trading Desk of Fidelity, a multibillion-dollar asset management out of Boston. In addition to the already existing crypto-custodian service should go in the next few weeks, the crypto-Trading Service for large customers. Such News contribute to the new crypto-optimism, even if they are in the end only a small piece of the Puzzle in the big scheme of things.

Like to forget: Bitcoin as a safe haven currency

makes To observe that Bitcoin is responding tends to be a positive effect on greater economic and political turbulence. In addition to Gold and traditional safe-haven currencies like the Swiss franc also Bitcoin is an influx of security needy and inflation worried investors. Finally, crypto-currencies can play as a stand-alone and to the traditional financial sector in a relatively uncorrelated asset class to your advantage. Neither the expansive Central Bank policy ECB economies, sanctions against the people or the threat of trade wars threaten the stability of Bitcoin. According to one of the most obvious crypto-admixture in its own asset portfolio.

So the current trade dispute between the United States and China is an example of the undercurrent of uncertainty in the markets. Especially cyclical stocks such as automotive shares have to suffer under it. Tends to be anti-cyclical assets such as Gold or, increasingly, Bitcoin can benefit from economic conflicts. The same applies to economic sanctions in the dispute over the Iranian nuclear agreement. The European countries have this week, the Tehran-asked 60-day Ultimatum rejected – one less reason for Investments in the DAX, all the more reason for Bitcoin & co.

The Internet giants are starting to show, where the journey is going

Which companies have the greatest influence on the crypto-market? You may be inclined to say Binance, Coinbase or ConsenSys, but this is only partly true. Finally, the largest companies in the world and the companies want to switch their of the biggest customers in the world on the Blockchain and crypto-currencies. Although their concepts are far removed from the decentralized Bitcoin, nevertheless, you can promote the Bitcoin adaptation more in the width than the above-mentioned crypto-companies. That Facebook brings out soon a own crypto-currency, and accordingly, this week announced, matching the crypto-advertising, to loosen prohibition, are extremely positive signals for the crypto-market.

Finally, Bitcoin, and co. profited, if hundreds of millions of people through Facebook contact with the crypto-Economy. Also in the last few weeks rumours have been spreading that Samsung is working after it has already been linked with the Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S10, a crypto-compatible Smartphone on the market – also on a own Coin. Already today can be happy owners of new Smartphones on dApps and an Ether Wallet. The promulgation of such crypto-savvy group messages show where the journey goes.

Only a couple of dings: Binance Hack and Tether debacle only small damage to

of Course, there are also plenty of negative headlines in the crypto sector. So hackers have this week is the biggest crypto exchange in the world, Binance, hacked and around 40 million US Dollar. Even greater than the damage of 7,000 stolen Bitcoin of the loss of confidence in the entire Ecosystem. Although exchange of the hacks are on the agenda, however, many had the hope that the Cup pulls on Binance over. Accordingly, the crypto courses responded with a red sign, as the message struck at the beginning of the week. Still, One of the worse crash is different. Bitcoin & co. recovered exceptionally quickly from the message.

the resistance had kept the rates for the negative headlines at the end of April to Tether and Bitfinex. So Tether and Bitfinex has been accused of repeatedly, to liquidity bottlenecks of up to 850 million US dollars in a cover-up. This Negative News failed to impress the market. It seems that the crypto market is in a relatively strong Phase, where negative publicity can be particularly well absorbed. Nevertheless, traders should not forget that a not insignificant part of the trading volume generated by Wash Trading. Specifically, some crypto-exchanges Fake volume fake to liquidity. A Problem that continues to burden the crypto-market.

Security Token and the Initial Exchange Offerings as a promise of Salvation

Token to issue officially recognized securities, ergo, a stock or bond in token form, brings a new momentum and, above all, new money in the crypto market. To Finance in many points more serious manner, crypto and Non – crypto projects, also provides for positive pulses. The new funding in the crypto-Ecosystem promises to be nothing Less than the Transformation of physical securities certificates to the digital Token. Even the German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin) has acknowledged that it is likely that you are securitised in the future, securities, by default, as a digital Token.

in addition to the Security Token or Security Token Offerings (STOs), but it is also the Initial Exchange Offerings (inner-earth objects), the rinse also new capital in the market. The Token Sales take place in inner-earth objects on crypto-exchanges, such as the Binance or Bittrex and thus promise a better investor protection and better user-friendliness than it was when ICOs the case in the past.

challenges remain

Of the bear market and the burnt ICOs from 2018 hardly anyone wants to know something. The progressive Professional capitalization and regulation determined the current Trend in the crypto-Ecosystem. The new optimism is reflected in the increase in the transaction volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum, which is not as high as it has been for several months. In the case of dApps and even a new all-time high was cracked. The more important is the issue of scale is therefore. Just Ethereum, and how Ethereum Co-Founder Joseph Lubin has recently given neatly on the Tube. Currently, the scaling solutions are, despite good progress, still too far away.

the same is true for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Although there is also good progress – in the meantime, can also be found on the Apple Watch Lightning, used of a breakthrough you can’t talk but still. The lack of progress in the scaling can be identified as a stumbling block for the crypto courses. Also need to prove the many of the new projects, which are funded via STO or IEO. In spite of the higher Standards is to be expected with a few rotten eggs – it is also burned a lot of money in the crypto market. As long as there are visible project a result, this is not bad at all, but perfectly normal. Conversely, lighthouse have stories, projects and success, the Potential, the entire crypto market to give a new dynamism and power of attraction.

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Bitcoin-test course crack the 6,000-US Dollar high for the year 2019 is achieved, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple – course analysis of The (Bitcoin) outbreak continues! Explosive growth: Facebook-Coin could crypto-user “triple”