the ICO-bubble a year ago exactly, the majority of crypto-investors blinded by greed. By the end of 2017, everything seemed possible to the crypto market, and in the shortest possible time. Not just institutional investors, everything that was there, not burn – all too rarely, the iron reserves. In time, hardly anyone backed out. The Crash of the all have need to learn most on my own body. The crucial question for 2019 is as follows: Is the Vale of tears by steps?

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 28. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

From a fundamental point of view, it is clearly smarter to invest now in the crypto market than a year ago. The prospects of success of Bitcoin does not become worse, however, a Bitcoin costs only around a quarter of the previous year’s price. Ethereum and Ether was sold by 2018, the massif of the ICO company. Understandable, you Needed to pay your invoices in euros or US dollars. The result was that the market was flooded with Ether, and the downturn has increased the selling pressure.

at the same time the euphoric crypto-investors became aware that a minimum of 95 percent of all ICOs are pure air stalls. Bad projects with no prospect of success. Even the few good projects had to and investors admit that the time factor has been completely underestimated. Just participate in the no user-friendly and decentralized Token project off the ground. In addition to this knowledge exchange had hacks, Hard Forks, and regulatory interventions such as false fire on the already ailing crypto-Ecosystem.

everything Is in the new year differently?

no, but better. Most of the hot air is now gone from the market. Bad projects that are not yet dead, 2019 final end. What is left are substantial projects, in the it is worth to invest. More and more professional investors are attracted by the meantime, again with fair reviews of the ICO-the Start-ups. The willingness to invest money, is on the rise. At the same time, many projects have scaled back their marketing costs massively. According to the Marketing Overdose of 2017 and 2018 is clear: Only the one who has to offer technologically, something will survive. Investors are now allergic to the marketing campaigns of the past few months. Now the developers and CTOs come back to word.

This image shows the vacancies for Blockchain-specialists. Here, there has never been a Crash. More and more companies are looking for Blockchain-professionals – regardless of whether the ICO-the Start-up or the Dax group. It is of the essence so to be in front of a lot of brain lard in the Blockchain Ecosystem. The more clever people are working on the Blockchain technology, the greater the chances of success of timely project success. The Knowledge about the technology has increased within a year is enormous. The conditions are in 2019, so here, too, better than in 2018 – less Bullshit-Bingo, but more clarity.

curls and new promises

in addition to the recovery of the existing Ecosystem in the year 2019, the new promises. So the Security Token will play a big role. Of the value of the paper Token, it is hoped that in the Form of a Security Token Offerings, a small new ICO-wave. Even if this does not occur, there will be clear progress in the Token-financing. For projects that are only interested in a Token-financing and not a Token Use Case, is preferable to the Security Token a Utility Token. However, the regulatory framework for Security tokens. There are no approved stock exchange for the Security Token, and before the law, at least in Germany, securitize Security Token, not the shareholders ‘ rights thought. The Security Token will be 2019 before all, a construction site, but a very promising.

However, in the case of the Utility Token by itself, with better and higher Standards. So, there are promising projects, to increase investor protection in the case of ICOs. So, for example, the Reversible Initial Coin Offerings (Rico), which is meant to enable investors via Smart Contract, at any time at your capital.

adaptation of the width of The crypto takes to

adaptation has many faces. The Creep in our everyday life, in our financial system and in the way we conduct trade, in the case of the crypto-Economy, anything other than linear. So 2018 was a year of Stagnation, after 2017 for capacity building and projects have been started. This is seen especially in the crypto-Debit – and credit cards, found at the beginning of 2018 due to termination of a Central service provider (wave crest) to an abrupt end. After a year’s break now important cryptographic service providers and, in particular, Bitwala and TenX have found ways, however, crypto-cards.

in addition to crypto-cards could also be Bitcoin ATM finally a reality. What is in other European countries will not be a Problem in Germany due to unclear Standards on the part of the BaFin’s still a grey area. Also in compliance with regulatory Standards, such as Know-Your-Customer guidelines and Anti-money laundering regulations, BaFin advises against the setting Up of such a Bitcoin machine. A condition will no longer hold because of its legal vulnerability, certainly forever.

For the crypto-courses of the adaptation in the traditional financial market, however, is important. Instead of a Revolution there is Evolution of both camps converge and merge. This Trend will start working in 2019 is still solid. Finally, projects such as those initiated by major financial institutions will take for several months. Consequently, it is expected that some projects have been started in 2018, 2019 is finished. So, for example, crypto Trading Desks or custodial solutions of investment houses such as Goldman Sachs.

The crypto-market in 2019: Summa Summarum

The rocky road from 2018 is also set to 2019. You will need to have all of the thoughts, to say goodbye, the rally of 2017 repeated in the coming year. Most of the problems and challenges of 2018 will also be 2019 not fully resolved. So negative the mood in the crypto-market in 2018, we must not forget: The classes of tokens are only a small part of the crypto-Economy, and so far were not a good indicator for the further development of the Blockchain technology. Stagnation in the crypto-market is not to say that the technology has stagnated. In 2019, there will be great progress, whether this is also the crypto-market to reflect, on a different sheet. At the very least it is a very good sign that the barkers-dried up mood. Who has understood the principle of anti-cyclical investing, knows what he has to do now.