which have not been overcome since the price of Bitcoin, the 10,000-US-Dollar-brand long-term, the question is: How can I benefit from the Bitcoin price? What opportunities are there to on the crypto-market, what should I be aware of? What it is to enjoy with caution?

By Phillip Horch
5. July 2019BTC$11.862,00 4.36%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Disclaimer: A part of the following article contains suggestions to the crypto market and Bitcoin course. For any losses, the crypto may not be stuck-the market is unpredictable and highly volatile. In addition, we barrier a part of the article behind a payment, as we are currently testing, together with SatoshiPay a new way to monetize content in the Digital. How to test the System and free Credits get it here.

by the Way: The following tips are aimed primarily at beginners, experienced traders, we refer mainly to our technical price analysis.

1. The price of Bitcoin rises? We hodln.

The German rapper Sido & Savas and Dr. Julian Hosp sang it in a Song: Hodln is a method to benefit from the Bitcoin price. The word is a modification of the English “hold” and means nothing more than to keep his purchased crypto-currencies. Here, it is of rising prices, and wait until it has reached its desired goal:

Sido & Savas “Hodln” (Official HD Video) 2018

watch This Video on YouTube.

Thereby, you should keep a close eye on his targets in mind: when I walk? This applies to both course goals as well as for possible losses.

2. Emotions in the view

keep On the crypto-market, the Maxim is: keep calm. Bad counselors FOMO, the afraid of missing something (Fear of Missing Out), as well as FUD, fear, uncertainty & doubt (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) on the other hand are.

The Problem is that Both reactions lead to irrational decisions. If the Bitcoin rises course around rapidly, this can often be a sign of Overheating – a quick correction is always possible. Anyone who breaks out in FOMO and quickly nachkauft, can look at the correction, then just as quickly into the Void. In the worst case of FUD from then breaks in addition, yet a further decline in rates. The result: The unfortunate Trader loses a lot of money, just because of FUD and FOMO.

Where we are already in maxims: never put more money on the game, to lose as you are ready. Loans to play on the crypto-market that can quickly go in the pants.

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3. Finding the right Position: Long or Short?

The classic way to profit from the Bitcoin course, is the so-called Long Position. You buy a crypto currency, because it is assumed to increase from a course. (Hodler send their regards). If this happened to you, sold you his crypto-currencies difference with a price – also referred to as the margin. His Position in the house is what you call bullish or bullish.

it is important to keep track of the market situation closely in mind: the share price Rose in the last time (to) rapidly? We are in an Investment bubble? I am satisfied with my margin? Then it’s time to sell and not get greedy.

by the Way: Who is holding a Long Position with a wide view, so his crypto-currencies for a long time do not want to sell, you can also find out about crypto-Lending, and in this time, his crypto-give currencies. So you benefit not only in increasing the Bitcoin price.

Also in the case of a fall in the Bitcoin rate, you can benefit from the appropriate Position is called Short. In contrast to the Long Position is in a bearish condition and baerish is set. With a Short Position, betting against the market. You borrow a certain amount of a Cryptocurrency, this refund after a price decline back. The difference between the old and the new rate of the asset minus-occurring fees is ultimately the Profit.

4. Futures: bets on the correct Bitcoin price

you can purchase also consider forward contracts for crypto-currencies. The so-called Futures contracts. This makes a contract between two parties, that is, if you buy a certain number of Bitcoins at a certain price by a certain date or sold. For the contract partner A, the Short Position is in the case of the advantage that he sold his BTC at a guaranteed rate. Especially in the case of a falling Bitcoin price, the profits it can generate.

For the parties to the futures contract with a fee that the seller pays. So he deserves to be in every case something. The course should also develop positively, he received the BTC at the current price, and can directly benefit from the margin.

In the case of the BTC Futures, however, is a controversial investing opportunity. You are about to suspected negative impact on the price impact.

5. The Bitcoin retirement savings or the Cost-Average-effect

The Cost-Average-effect is, considering the Course of the last ten years, so far the best and probably stress freest way to profit from the Bitcoin exchange. In the Cost Averaging method of investing regularly, usually monthly, for a certain amount.

bargain hunters know the method already: Depending on whether the price rises or falls, you get more or less of the shares for the monthly fixed amount. In the long run, one gathers, however, steadily crypto-currencies. Then you wait again until the price of Bitcoin arrives at the target. Or hodlt more – the grandchildren will be thankful for it.

The average rate is like anyway, so the idea behind the Cost-Average effect, any course fluctuate again. Just because crypto-currencies are so volatile, so high rates are subject to fluctuations, it can be this strategy is a good guide, neither FUD nor FOMO to fall prey to.

additional tips

Esome tips to consider when employment with the Bitcoin exchange rate and crypto-currencies in General. The crypto market is unregulated compared to the stock market, so scammers have a free Hand, the Motto, to consider carefully and, above all, be informed before making decisions.

promising ways to quickly make a lot of money, are about Pump-and-Dump systems, the go for the majority of Stakeholders, however, often in the pants.

With our regular market analysis, we strive to be in contrast to give in-depth assessments of the current events. Anyone who reads here a bit and the top of the tips, certainly has a good chance to fill your wallets.

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