the Currently you get from the crypto – and to listen to the financial scene more often, that 2019 will be the year of the Security Token. In order for this to become a reality, is still missing a crucial component: a stock exchange for the Security Token. So far, there is still no government-approved commercial space, the Security Token can act. Accordingly, a competition is now running to be the first regulated Security Exchange erupted. What Nations and what would constitute a Security stock exchange for the financial market.

By Sven-servant to the
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What is, in addition to higher investor standards, to the advantage of the Security Token? It doesn’t need an individual Token Use Case. In the case of a STO, it goes exclusively to the issuance of Token shares, for the return of capital. The Security Token itself must meet, in contrast to the Utility Token no application on the Blockchain. It needs no Pseudo-Token Economy have tried like countless ICOs, with their often useless ERC20-Token. The financing is in the focus: a cheaper, faster and easier than traditional initial public offerings (IPOs). Accordingly, it is not surprising that some of the ICOs were cancelled without a real Token Use Case, to make instead a STO.

If from a GmbH to an AG

to establish A public company is expensive, time-consuming and takes a lot of time. It is not surprising, therefore, that there is often only very large companies take the step to the joint-stock company. Of these, a few joint-stock companies, trust only a few, to take the step to the stock exchange. A medium-sized steel producer, the needs of 15 million euros for a new factory site, does not opt for an IPO. The possibility of flexible equity to collect, and via the shares to make a tradable, remains blocked.

conversely world is more complex emergency. Bonds throw off interest rates are so low, the major stock indices tend to be Overvalued and real estate prices to rise, especially in the Metropolitan regions. Investors, especially institutional investors such as pension funds, are desperately looking for investments, a reasonable Chance-risk-profile.

Read also: The crypto-market in 2019: This role will be Bitcoin ATMs, and Security Token

the Narrative of the Security Token is not limited to the high-risk funding of Start-ups, but can open all the SMEs for the financial sector. This new level of accessibility both for companies and for investors a huge Potential. With a Security Token, a new Segment that is driving the convergence of traditional financial markets and crypto-market.

The race of the Security Token exchanges is opened

But when there is now the first regulated Security-Token-exchanges? The answer is likely to be in Q4 2019 or Q1 2020. The Singapore Stock Exchange with iSTOX a good chance to bring this year, momentum in the trading of a Security Token. Also a lot is going on at the Swiss stock exchange, which would perform in the second half of the year 2019 with the SIX Digital Exchange private STO on your platform. The Malta and Gibraltar Stock Exchanges to enable it to be one of the first public stock exchanges trading with a Security Token.

Experience has shown that such a regulatory move, demanding projects several months back. Especially in the case of a Security Token, which run on a regulated stock exchange, the way of the submission of the application up to the approval by the competent Supervisory authorities. Also, it is still uncertain which of the already issued Security Token and then the final will be listed. Finally, not every Corporation strives to be in a publicly accessible stock exchange segment traded and to meet all of the admission requirements.

Read also: water on the Blockchain: Austria starts the first Security Token Offering

although STOs have for the Old Economy to a much larger relevance than ICOs, the reservations and uncertainties as a brake on the adaptation process. Interested investors, in spite of a high Standards but is always faced with the question of whether an STO is based on a substantial Business Case or just an attempt by the founder to have as soon as possible.

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