New from the Bitcoin rumours, an attack at BCH and the death of the co-ordinator in the IOTA-Ecosystem. Everything that you should have in the last week not to be missed.

By Phillip Horch
At the 2. June 2019BTC$8.690,00 1.67%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin & Manipulation, well-intentioned attacks, and a suicide in the IOTA-Ecosystem: The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain-News of the week.

Pump and Dump: How Online groups legal the Bitcoin-market

manipulate With all the skepticism of crypto-enthusiasts to regulation: The lack of the same can sometimes be negative. Especially when you get to do it with a Pump-and-Dump systems, and on the wrong side. Because this can be a Few quite rewarding. However, in the sense of a classic pyramid scheme must allow for this profit some other of your monetary springs. As our exclusive report shows, the crypto market is not a rarity.

IOTA announces Coordicide – rate shoots to a height of

Soon™ the IOTA Foundation and their team of developers wants to abolish your Coordinator. This is, after all, a Central point in the IOTA-Tangle – what critics prompted again and again to IOTA, a lack of decentralisation to blame. However, the test environment for the Coordicide or the death of the Coordinator currently is still in the test phase. Nevertheless, the IOTA-rate shot up within a short period of time.

rumours of Craig Wright: that’s Why the Bitcoin-SV has course by leaps and bounds doubled

It was a holiday and suddenly the Bitcoin-SV-price increased by over 100 percent. Whether it was a Pump? In time, the sharp increase is like any new rumors about the supposed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright together. Read more here.

Belonged to Bitcoin once Escobar’s?

And even as a rumor with high sensation content: Bitcoin is supposed to have once belonged to the infamous Escobar family. This is up to the crypto-Blog CCN speculated anyway. Prior to the application by Craig Wright in November 2018, Bitcoin seems to be a London company with the family of Escobar been linked. If there is something to it? See for yourself.

Bitcoin Cash Mining Pools full of benevolent “51” pull-percent-attack

When the last Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork should have two Mining Pools in a coordinated reorganization. and to have combines their computing power to make an attack back. The Podcast presenter Guy Swann made on Twitter first, attention to this circumstance. The end justifies the means?

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Newsflash: The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain-News of the week Newsflash: The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain-News of the week Bitcoin between prohibition and ETF: The regulatory-ECHO