the Stagnating Bitcoin courses provide the Miner with long term problems. Sales have been falling for a long time continuously. However, the Hash Rate has been increasing since the beginning of the year visible again. The reasons for this are many and varied.

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It is a constant up and down in Bitcoin Mining. Falling prices loss of the Miner lead to profit. So if you turn off devices to save power. Usually, equipment of the older ASIC generations from the network, first go.

This, in turn, discharge in the difficulty retargeting algorithm. Finally, the network participants all 2.016 blocks (approximately every two weeks) to calculate the Difficulty Level. As a result, the requirements fall to find new blocks. The result is that Mining is profitable. At least in theory.

In practice, one observes that the price of Bitcoin has more influence on the Profit of the Miner than is desirable. Otherwise it would be difficult to explain that the sales from the Bitcoin Mining drop since December of 2017, continuously. To weddings of Bull Run – the older Semester like remember – could Miner alone generate, together with the transaction fees and more revenue than these days with Coinbase Reward and Fees. In Figures: In December 2017, the industry as a whole earned a whopping 1.2 billion dollars by the Mining of Bitcoin.

In February 2019 could take them only about 200 million US dollars. The sales correlate strongly with the Bitcoin price. This is evident from the latest analysis of Diar.

Mining sales through Coinbase Reward and Fees in relation to Bitcoin rates.Hash Rate does not increase again

reason to worry yet. Because of the bad market situation, in Spite of, at least, has found the Hash Rate of your soil. Since the end of December last year, the accumulated computing power in the Bitcoin network is increasing visible.

Bitcoin Hash Rate TH/s since March of 2017.

the course could make Since, to date, no significant jumps, one can speculate about the reasons of the increase only. A possible explanation could be the approaching Coinbase Reward Halving in may 2020. In the past, the Bitcoin-rate to consolidate often already long in the run-up to such an expectation could have led the Miner to make more machines to the network.

farms beat on Second-Hand market to

in Addition, the farms are likely to have invested aggressively in ASICs. Compared to CoinDesk, Xun Zheng, in his capacity of CEO of the Mining said Hashage giants that AntMiner S9 on the Second-Hand market currently. And actually: On the E-Commerce platform Alibaba, you can find the S9-Miner at the price of 100 to 200 US dollars.

Read also: Howdy no more: Bitmain Mining closes Farm in Texas

to declare The investment on the part of the Miner, Zheng are in the first line with an expected fall in electricity costs in China. In the middle Kingdom, the energy prices during the summer months, namely significantly lower. Finally, rain in the mountainous provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan particularly extensively. The excess water could then be used for the cheap production of electricity in hydroelectric power plants in the regions.

Thus, we can conclude that the farms in the run-up-cost producers of flat-rate contracts with the electricity and so profitable to operate.

However, The profit margins of the miners were rarely less than that these days. On short or long the courses should tighten again. Because otherwise the investment is lost in the Sands.

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