the Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk considers Bitcoin for “brilliant”. In his view, this could replace in the future, even paper money. Tesla, in turn, keeps distance to Bitcoin. Due to environmental concerns for the company is not strategically wise decision, the crypto-currency to turn to, Music in a Podcast this week.

By David Barkhausen
21. February 2019BTC$3.920,06 -0.95%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A colony on Mars, the dubious interference in the cave rescue in Thailand, the supposed influence of the Tesla shares cryptic Tweets – with hardly a Person in the Tech Business seem to be genius and insanity so close to each other as is the case with Elon Musk.

this week, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX ventures to the next, by the General Public currently averse to controversy: Bitcoin.

In the Podcast of the Investment company ARK-Invest, he praised the crypto currency on Tuesday, the 20. February, and highlighted their value as a payment alternative to cash.

On the question of whether Bitcoin would evolve to the one true Internet currency, as it is prophesied about Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey said the South African billionaire convinced:

“Crypto-currencies are really interesting. The structure of the Bitcoin is quite brilliant. And the Same applies to Ethereum or some of the other crypto-currencies. […] Paper money will disappear [long-term]. Crypto is a much better way to currencies, to transfer value, as a piece of paper. So much is clear.“

Nevertheless, the digital payment alternatives in addition to benefits bring also drawbacks. The technologies are confronted with concerns, values, obstacles. The biggest pitfall is the lack of environmental impact forms, according to Musk, however. So there is still an enormous energy quantities used to calculate the transactions of Bitcoin.

also Read: Ethereum: Constantinople Hard Fork due to security flaws

Musk: Tesla keeps the Bitcoin distance

as well As other companies cancelled were such concerns Tesla to integrate crypto currencies into the business model. For Tesla, which promotes sustainable energy, it is simply not a strategically wise decision, with the Bitcoin address, so Musk.

in the past, the 47-year-old Tech Visionary in terms of the Bitcoin was made. The occasion was conceivable, however unpleasant. In November of last year, Internet-fraudsters hacked into Musks Twitter profile and Bitcoin-lottery promised. To participate, interested parties only have to pay a small Bitcoin amount. So the scammers have captured up to 130,000 US dollars.

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