Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin white paper puts on nine pages, the Foundation for a digital Asset that has been created after ten years, already a multi-billion-Ecosystem. Where Bitcoin gets its value, is a question on which there are a variety of answers. This week we look at five innovations that has made a Satoshi possible.

17. August 2019BTC$9.697,19 -8.62%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail 1. Be your own bank

The crypto Motto is more than a platitude. According to data from the world Bank about 1.7 billion people worldwide have a rudimentary access to the financial sector. In other words: Almost a quarter of all people has no Bank account, and is thus excluded from global trade and economic exit.

in Particular, in sub-Saharan Africa the Lack of financial infrastructure in the poorest parts of the population with massive problems. Because even who has the privilege of relatives abroad, for income, is dependent on monopolistic corporations such as Western Union. Because where there is no account, no Transfer. Money can, therefore, be in cash only and send – and that is expensive.

Who wants to send, in contrast, Bitcoin requires nothing more than a digital end device, such as a Laptop or a Smartphone and Internet access. The potential of this Use Case is given the sheer amount of people without a Bank account huge.

2. Digital scarcity

scarcity in the digital space is something that has not existed before Bitcoin even. So far, the Internet – or the Digital per se rather known, to provide data in Abundance. Anyone who sends E-Mails, sent de facto copies of a file. Those who download documents from the Cloud down loads copies; the list could continue.

One of the Central innovations of Satoshi was the invention of digital scarcity. Although the Bitcoin Blockchain can be endlessly reproduced, there will never be more than 21 million BTC.

3. Solving the Double-Spend problem

Digital signatures are a part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent Double Spends. We propose a solution to the Double-Spending Problem by setting up a Peer-to-Peer network.

Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin white paper was the first solution to the so-called Double-Spending problem, which works without any third parties. Double Spending is the process the same digital unit of money to two or more addressees to spend.

What is cash physically cannot do it, is to prevent in the digital space, only through complex mechanisms. SEPA such as the European inter-Bank solution to the Double Spending Problem; it comes off but only with trustworthy third-parties – just banks.

Bitcoin, however, reached a final and irreversible payment processing without a third party. Bitcoins Peer-to-Peer structure is, therefore, most likely, with the digital cash comparable.

On media summarizes Nic Carter this property in the following way:

I tend to the view that the Interesting thing about Bitcoin is the ability to value transfer over a communication channel with extremely high reliability to perform.

4. Transparent store of Value

funds are an abstract construct of human cooperation. In addition to many other properties (divisible, fungible, etc.) should money be above all just. Nick Szabo sums up this property with the “unforgeable costliness”, the need to stay in a funds held.

For value memory, this is not the Central feature: the goods are there in Abundance, suitable as a Store of Value. Because whenever its price rises, is expected to Flood the market.

A growing demand for Bitcoin – that is to say adaptation will hit 100 percent in the share price. Because even if the Mining activity is on the rise as a result, can not be increased, the amount of available BTC.

Bitcoin, is, in fact, digital Gold.

5. The separation of state and money

in A Narrative that circles in Bitcoin recently, some popularity, is that of sovereign money. Because BTC from the hands of the state in which the rate of control, such as Central Bank money. Although it is conceivable that Central banks or governments of the day have Bitcoin. The fortunes of the crypto-currency no 1 you may not, however, affect to a greater extent than all other network participants. Bitcoin is the first form of money that can be decentralized, global and, above all, free from state Manipulation to thrive.

How important this is, you only have to look to Argentina. There, the Bitcoin price reached in July of this year, its all-time high.

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