Felipe VI delivers his offices to the 74th promotion, the first with more women than men


King Felipe VI has claimed the “exceptional legacy” that Spain has left throughout its history and has encouraged the new diplomats to learn about it and disseminate it and to work so that the country continues to contribute “to the moral and material progress of Humanity”. as it has been doing throughout its history.

Don Felipe has presided over the delivery of dispatches to the 74th promotion of the Diplomatic Career at the Diplomatic School, the first in which there have been more women (31) than men (14), “a milestone that reflects a social reality in which more and more women happily carry out State action in the different bodies of the General State Administration and access positions of responsibility”.

“Throughout history, Spain has left an indelible material and immaterial imprint throughout the world, the value and significance of which we must know in depth and know how to transmit rigorously, balancedly and sensibly”, the monarch defended in his speech.

In this sense, he has invited the new diplomats, “as heirs of this exceptional legacy”, to contribute so that “we Spaniards continue to make substantive contributions to the moral and material progress of Humanity”.

In the opinion of Felipe VI, they will always be able to find “inspiration in our great thinkers, artists and scientists, and in so many distinguished servants of the State, as well as in the will, dedication, sacrifice and example of the generations that have preceded us”.

“You can consider yourselves very lucky to be able to work for a country like ours,” he told the new embassy secretaries, encouraging them to “do it with patriotism understood as a spirit of service, with humility and confidence.”

Likewise, the King has praised the effort and work that has led the new promotion to achieve its goal. “You embrace a very vocational profession whose main raison d’ĂȘtre is to serve Spain, the national interest, the State, and through it all Spaniards,” he stressed.

The variety of positions and missions that they will carry out from now on, not only diplomatic ones, the King stressed, will require “dedication, rectitude and dedication, qualities that should distinguish all public servants”.

“Be attentive to the details” because “the devil is in the details”, he told them, and “don’t let your guard down even in the simplest things”, he warned them, also urging them not to stop learning and to keep updating themselves, ” nor to teach by example”. “There is always room for more in your baggage,” she added.

“In a scenario of so many concurrent challenges and global repercussions like the current one,” Don Felipe stressed, “a large dose of analytical and problem-solving capacity, serenity and patience, firmness and perseverance will be important” on the part of the new diplomats . In short, “a virtuous combination of intelligence and character”, he has defined.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, JosĂ© Manuel Albares, also congratulated the new diplomats, recalling that he himself was in their situation one day and is now a minister. “You have chosen an exciting profession, there has not been a single day in my life that I have regretted having chosen it,” he assured.

Albares has also valued the fact that it is the first promotion in which there are more women than men and has stressed that the 35 represent “all the diversity of the Spanish geography, what Spanish society is, diverse, plural, made up of women and men of great value and talent”.

On the other hand, he stressed that the “chance of history” has wanted them to enter the Diplomatic Career in “a crucial year for Spain”, which will assume the rotating Presidency of the EU in the second semester. In this sense, he has indicated that precisely fourteen of them will immediately join the Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels to help in the preparations.

Likewise, he has given them a first instruction: “at this time all your work has to be directed towards one thing, to ensure that peace returns to Europe”. He has also told them that throughout their careers they must vigorously defend a rules-based international order.

Throughout their career, Albares has indicated to the new diplomats, they will have to “face very complex challenges but they will be fascinating because at the end of the day you will be helping the Spanish” and showing that Spain is “a reliable, loyal and democratic partner”.