They consider that “whatever the head of state decides will always be fine” and they deny pressure on the monarch “as the PP does on a daily basis”


The PSOE has made it clear that it is not going to remove the “idea” from the leader of the ‘popular’, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of going to a “third setback” if he wants to go to an investiture first, which he describes as ‘fake’. In addition, he wanted to make it clear that he is not pressuring the King to entrust the party’s general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, with the formation of the Government, as in his opinion the PP is doing.

This was reported by socialist sources after this Monday, the first day of Felipe VI’s round of consultations with the parliamentary groups to choose the candidate for the investiture, the PP’s Institutional Vice-Secretary, Esteban González Pons, made it clear that the party is not going to remain “sitting for a government of Pedro Sánchez to come with those who do not want Spain”.

From the PSOE they have denied being “in a competition with the PP to see who goes first to the investiture” and have expressed “all respect” for the decision adopted by the King once the consultations are concluded this Tuesday, when he will receive precisely both Sánchez as Feijóo, who will be the last to go to Zarzuela.

“Whatever the head of state decides will always be fine,” the sources have assured, arguing that the Socialists are not exerting “any pressure” on the monarch “as the PP does on a daily basis.”

Thus, from Ferraz they have made it clear that if Feijóo “needs a third setback to realize the reality that surrounds him”, after the result of 23J and the election of the socialist Francina Armengol to preside over Congress, “it will not be us those of us who take away that idea”.

In the opinion of the Socialists, the leader of the PP “seems to need more information to get out of the shock and if it has to be a ‘fake’ investiture, that’s it,” the sources have maintained, given Feijóo’s desire to be a candidate for the investiture on the grounds that his party was the most voted in the elections.

The PSOE and Sánchez have also defended their appointment in recent days as a candidate for the investiture, relying on the majority of 178 votes that Francina Armengol managed to reap to be elected president of Congress, after the Socialists and Sumar joined the votes of PNV , EH Bildu, ERC, Junts and BNG.

A victory that occurred against the PP candidate Cuca Gamarra who only achieved the votes of PP, UPN and CC, while Vox voted for its own candidate due to the disagreement with the popular ones who refused to cede a position to Abascal’s formation at the table of Congress.