He accuses the Government of using equality “as an element of division and partisan struggle” and defends an equality “that does not confront”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has announced that he will add free education from 0 to 3 years of age throughout Spain to his electoral program for the elections on July 23, a measure that he already promoted in Galicia as president of the Xunta, al time that has promised to work to reduce the wage gap between men and women, especially after maternity.

In her speech at the fifth edition of Santander Women Now in Madrid, Feijóo stressed that the PP will take initiatives in its electoral program so that fathers and mothers can combine their professional development with caring for their children.

Thus, it has indicated that the PP will introduce in its program for the general ones “free education from zero to three years in the whole of Spain, with financing between the General State Administration and the Autonomous Communities to favor conciliation and to offer working hours adapted”. “It is about giving Spaniards the power to be fathers, mothers, without giving up their working career,” he added.

It is not a new measure because already last May, coinciding with the celebration of International Family Day, Feijóo already advanced that if he arrives at the Moncloa Palace there will be free nursery schools throughout Spain. What Feijóo has confirmed this Thursday is that it will form part of the electoral program of the generals that the PP wants to apply if it governs, a document that they are preparing under the coordination of the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra.

In his speech, Feijóo has also alluded to the wage gap between men and women, especially after maternity. “The data is there, men and women ascend to the professional career in a fairly even way until the first child arrives,” he stated.

The head of the opposition has stressed that “it cannot be that women must choose between their professional careers or being mothers.” For this reason, he has said that the PP is going to “work so that this resignation does not have to take place.” As he added, his training will work so that motherhood is no longer the glass ceiling.

In addition, he has ensured that the PP sets another challenge if it reaches the Government of Spain: “Getting that in Spain the female activity rate is the same as the male activity rate”, which is “10 points higher”. “More women with employment means more independent women in the economic field and more free women. That is working for real equality,” she said.

Immediately afterwards, he highlighted that the great legal advances that have been made in the fight against gender violence have been developed with PP governments which, according to what he said, managed to agree on a State Pact in 2017 with 234 measures to improve the protection of victims.


Feijóo has assured that if he arrives at the Moncloa Palace, his commitment is to implement the “same transversal policies and directed at all”, something that, in his opinion, is what the majority of citizens demand. “I defend an equality that does not confront, an equality without labels, that is, an equality that allows us to continue advancing,” he said.

At this point, he has accused the Government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos of using equality policies “as an element of division and partisan struggle.” In his opinion, there has been a “misappropriation of social demands” by the left which, according to him, does not support the existence of neutral spaces, where people of different ideologies work for the common good.

In this sense, he has called for unity in the fight for the equality of men and women, an issue in which, in his opinion, they should “all add up”, in the face of the “confrontation and confrontation” of which they are “tired” the Spanish. “This idea of ??common space is something inherent to mainstream feminism, putting aside what separates and accentuating how much unites us,” she added.

Feijóo has indicated that the revolution that women are leading has neither been eclipsed nor has it been distorted, and has added that they are marking milestones that society is assuming as its own. “The great virtue of feminism is and has been and in my opinion should continue to be having the doors open permanently,” he assured.


Feijóo has criticized that in these years, with the Government of Pedro Sánchez, attempts have been made to “use equality policies as an element of division and partisan struggle”, alluding to the “dire consequences” of the law of ‘only if it is yes’, which have meant “the biggest step backwards in the rights of women in democratic history”.

“As you know, more than a thousand criminals, rapists and pedophiles have seen their sentences reduced and more than a hundred are already on the streets of Spain. And the problem is that this has not stopped, the problem is that of the 5,000 people convicted of sexual crimes still There are several thousand left to review his sentence in his case,” he warned.

The head of the opposition recalled that this week a UN rapporteur “has criticized the ‘yes is yes’ law and its disastrous consequences” which, as he reiterated, “could have been avoided if the project had been consulted in advance “.

And this Wednesday, he continued, the Supreme Court “came to endorse what the judges have done, who were forced to lower the sentences simply because the judges can only apply the laws, they cannot break them.”


In his speech, Feijóo recalled his grandmother, Eladia López Rodríguez, an “authentic leader” who “ran a grocery store” who was left a widow at the age of 52 with eight children, and who had a decisive influence on his personal life and politics.

In addition, he has pointed out that a leader “is the one who knows the way, the one who makes the way and the one who shows the way.” After assuring that in Galicia they know a lot about the roads to Santiago, he has pointed out that a fundamental element of leadership is not only being able to act as a benchmark but also to serve as an example and show the way for those who come after.

“That is why the example they are giving to thousands of girls, young women and women who have passed through this Congress is so relevant,” she declared, to value the work of the organizers of Santander Women Now, who later responded to the closing of the act: “By the way, your grandmother is very invited next year”.