The alleged murderer, Civil Guard by profession and who committed suicide hours after the crime, had withdrawn the regulation weapon


The woman murdered this Saturday in Oia (Pontevedra) allegedly at the hands of her ex-partner had filed a complaint in April and her case was considered “medium risk”.

This was reported this Sunday by the Government sub-delegate in Pontevedra, Maica Larriba, at the gates of the campsite where Ana Vanessa Serén, 44, worked, and where she was allegedly murdered at the hands of her ex-partner, a Civil Guard who hours later of the events, he committed suicide when he found himself cornered by agents of the Armed Forces on a hill near the scene of the crime.

The Government sub-delegate explained that the woman had filed a complaint last April, which led to a speedy trial that concluded with a 300-meter restraining order sentence and a ban on communication with the victim.

After this sentence, Larriba has indicated that the agents of the Civil Guard unit in charge of this type of case intervened on a total of 56 occasions to protect the victim, one of them “very recently”.

In any case, as he explained, this does not mean that the aggressor failed to comply with this sentence, but that it is about “monitoring the victim to verify that the convicted person is not breaking the sentence.”

“They are follow-ups. They have nothing to do with the breaches. It is something that is done in a normal way, which is part of the protection,” he detailed.

However, Larriba has stated that “in no case” has the victim “been helpless.” “On the contrary”, she has affirmed before acknowledging that “these things happen, unfortunately”. “No matter how many means we use, no matter how many resources…”, she lamented.

In addition, the subdelegate has ensured that the alleged murderer, a Civil Guard by profession, had his weapons withdrawn and was only paying attention to the public.

Questioned about the weapon of the crime, Larriba has maintained that it is not a regulatory weapon, since, she has insisted, “she did not have access to them”, so “it seems that it is a shotgun or a rifle”.

Now, the Government Delegation in Galicia has sent the data and police reports to the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, under the Ministry of Equality, to study the official declaration of this murder as gender violence.

If confirmed, this would be the second sexist crime that occurred in Galicia this 2023 after the murder of a woman in Baiona last February for which her ex-partner was arrested.

In the State as a whole, the number of women murdered by gender violence would rise to 21 in 2023 and 1,205 since 2023, according to data provided by the Government.

Likewise, the Government delegate in Galicia, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, in a publication on his Twitter account, has indicated that the death of Ana Vanessa is “a failure as a society” that he feels “deeply”.

“Ana Vanessa is the last victim of a sexist murder in Galicia, in Oia. Her death is a failure as a society that we deeply feel. It cannot happen again. We cannot remain silent or stop advancing to protect them,” he exposed.

The signs of dismay and rejection have been repeated throughout the afternoon of this Saturday throughout the territory and from different institutions and political positions. Among them, that of the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, who in a post on Twitter has stated that he is “shocked and speechless” after what happened. “It hurts, but we are not going to stop working until sexist violence is definitely out of society,” he wrote.

Also the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, has used this social network to show her “rage, pain and indignation” at a “new murder due to sexist violence”. Likewise, she has urged “more means and resources to protect women who suffer this cruel form of violence.”

“Only with real equality will we be able to leave behind macho terrorism. All the affection and solidarity to Vanesa’s family at this very hard time,” he concluded.

The general secretary of the PSdeG has also joined the messages of revulsion for this “terrible sexist crime.” “A new victim of this scourge that is sexist violence, which we must eradicate once and for all from our society. All my love and solidarity to Vanesa’s family,” he recounted.

The alert went off at 4:10 p.m. this Saturday: a woman had been killed with a firearm in the vicinity of the O Muíño campsite, located on the road between Baiona and A Guarda.

Shortly after, it was confirmed that the authorities were looking for the victim’s ex-partner, a Civil Guard who had a 300-meter restraining order as well as a ban on communicating with her.

Thus, the efforts of the security forces focused on locating the main suspect. Late in the afternoon they found him on a hill near the scene of the events.

Finally, sources of the investigation consulted by Europa Press confirmed that the alleged perpetrator of this crime committed suicide around 10:15 p.m. after more than an hour in which the agents tried to talk to him so that he would turn himself in.