The General Assembly supports the management of its president and approves the annual accounts


The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has insisted a week after the May 28 elections that it is necessary to “make it clear” that with ETA “you cannot turn the page overnight”, emphasizing the ” seriousness” that EH Bildu considers that “some convicted of terrorism are qualified to represent their municipalities, with what this means to legitimize what they have done”, in reference to the presence of ex-convicts of the terrorist group on their lists for local elections.

This has been done by the association during its Ordinary General Assembly this Saturday, in which the management of the Board of Directors and its president, Maite Araluce, have been approved with 100% of the votes, in addition to the accounts of the last exercise.

In his speech, which the association has released through a statement, Araluce has valued the “intense activity” of the AVT throughout the year, the future plans and the next actions, both internally and external. “All this without forgetting our main function: comprehensive and specific attention to the victims of terrorism”, he remarked.

He has stated that for the association one of the priorities is to continue fighting so that terrorists are not present in the institutions, as well as so that all those who do not condemn terrorism are not considered one more political agent.

Araluce has made it a priority for the AVT to disseminate the “true story of terrorism” in Spain, so as not to allow the terrorists to tell a “distorted reality”, which “unfortunately”, he has regretted, is seen more and more.

The leader has indicated that another of the fundamental lines of action this year is marked by the threat that jihadist terrorism currently poses to the Western world.

Thus, he recalled that the AVT has appeared in recent months in various proceedings at the National Court against alleged jihadists who have acted in Spain, as well as the absence of an action protocol in the event of a terrorist attack.

And he has transferred the associates who will continue working on all the ETA cases, but also on all the terrorist groups that have attacked the country and that are still unresolved.

“We must not forget that justice has shown that ETA was much more than the commandos that killed, but that it had a whole political and civil framework that has allowed ETA to last for more than 50 years and, therefore, we do not distinctions between those convicted of crimes of integration into a terrorist organization to those convicted of murders,” he said in the statement.

It was precisely the AVT that warned that on the EH Bildu lists for the municipal elections there were 44 people who had belonged to the terrorist organization in the past or had been linked to it, and that seven of them had blood crimes.