The president of the PP of Extremadura, María Guardiola, this Saturday asked the president of VOX, Santiago Abascal, to “please, let the leader of this party in the Extremaduran community, Ángel Pelayo Gordillo, negotiate now,” “or he comes to negotiate with me”, so that there is an agreement that allows Guardiola to be the first president of the Board after the elections on May 28.

This was stated during his speech at the Regional Board of Popular Extremadura, held this Saturday in Mérida, before more than a hundred leaders and militants of the PP, and from which the elected mayors of Badajoz, Ignacio Gragera, have been absent. , and from Plasencia, Fernando Pizarro, among other authorities.

Guardiola has insisted on giving VOX “all the willingness in the world to reach an agreement”, but, he has clarified, “for that you have to get to work now, and not wait for decisions to be made in Madrid”, alluding to the position of the national leader of VOX, training that he needs to obtain an absolute majority in the Assembly and to be able to reach the Presidency of the Board.

For this reason, she has stressed that she has “a free hand” on the part of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, because “Extremadura is not negotiated in Madrid” and its “bosses” are “the Extremadurans”.

In this regard, Guardiola has once again stressed that he has called and sent messages to Pelayo Gordillo to sit down and negotiate, but that he has not yet received a response. For this reason, he has urged Abascal “to let now” that the person in charge of VOX in the region “sit down to negotiate now” or “that he come to negotiate with me.”

In any case, she has pointed out that Extremadura “is not” a “bargain for anyone or anything”, and has been “convinced” that “the majority of VOX voters” share a large part of the more than 800 measures that contemplates the program of the PP of Extremadura.

Despite the fact that there is still no negotiation between the two parties, the president of the popular Extremadurans stressed, “this project will be a government very shortly”, because “Extremadura wants a change, led by the PP, towards progress and prosperity, and that’s how we’re going to do it because we can’t fail Extremadura”.

Guardiola has shown his wish that “I wish there had already been an agreement with VOX”, but “there is not and we are not negotiating because Mr. Pelayo has not yet received authorization to negotiate with me”.

In this regard, she has stressed that she is going to be “the only one who is going to negotiate”, without the mediation of the national leadership of the PP, because her word “is sacred”, she has insisted.

“I want to govern alone, and whoever thinks that my word is strategy is wrong,” he said. “We are going to govern and we are going to sit down and talk to everyone, out of respect for the people of Extremadura”, he stressed, under the premise of “program, agreement and work, with a single itinerary: Extremadura, Extremadura and Extremadura”, he remarked.

In his opinion, “you have to be loyal to the initials”, but “above all to the citizens, to the people of Extremadura”, he insisted, while criticizing the “servility” of Fernández Vara to Pedro Sánchez, something that It has taken its toll at the polls on the Secretary General of the Socialists of Extremadura, he has pointed out.

And it is that, he has indicated, after failing to achieve a majority in the Extremadura Assembly supported by United for Extremadura, Guardiola recalled that Fernández Vara stated on election night that the citizens did not want him to be president and accepted defeat, but “he Sánchez called when he was in his pajamas and told him to get up and make noise” until the general elections on July 23; hence the “change” of his position to now ask that the most voted list govern.

“The results of May 28 are a punishment for that servile way of governing, turning its back on the people of Extremadura”, Guardiola said, without “losing respect”, he said, for the socialist leader of Extremadura.

For this reason, he has reminded him that this is “a parliamentary democracy”, in which the force that obtains the most support in the Assembly governs. “We have 28 deputies, the same as the PSOE”, he commented, eight more than those obtained by the PP four years ago, and with 45,421 more votes in the province of Badajoz than in 2019 and almost 6,000 more votes than the PSOE in the de Cáceres, governing in 14 of the largest towns in Extremadura, in eight of them with an absolute majority.

Therefore, he has insisted, “Extremadura wants a change, and that change must be led by the Popular Party”, he has claimed.

On the other hand, once in the Presidency of the Junta, Guardiola has said, she will be a “tireless president”, who will fight the issues that affect Extremadura against the Government that comes out of the elections on July 23, and that it will be chaired by Núñez Feijóo, has stated.

In this sense, he has asked for a “last effort” from popular leaders and militants to get Núñez Feijóo to reach La Moncloa, because “Spain and Extremadura need it.”

According to Guardiola, the popular leader has “a commitment to this land”, and the Minister of Public Works “will come every three months to give an account”, he pointed out.

The PP, has commented, “is prepared and the citizens are prepared to go to vote, and it does not matter that it is July and it is hot, Sánchez bye bye”, has snapped.

Guardiola has been “very happy” for what was achieved after May 28, the result of the effort of the entire game, he stressed, despite the fact that “we have been ignored and despised”, for which he is “tremendously proud” of his team , and has highlighted the “unity” of his party.

“May 28 will be a very special date to always remember, because it will be the date of change on this earth”, he has sentenced.