Sémper will repeat as campaign spokesperson and includes Bravo and Pons in the team that will design the program


The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has chosen Elías Bendodo as executive coordinator of the general election campaign on July 23, Cuca Gamarra to coordinate the electoral program and Miguel Tellado to do the same with the candidacies, while that Borja Sémper will act as spokesperson.

This was announced this Friday by the PP, once the Campaign Committee was designed for the generals, in which Feijóo has decided to appoint Bendodo, general coordinator of the party, to key positions; Gamarra, general secretary and spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress; Tellado, Vice Secretary of Organization, or Sémper, Vice Secretary of Culture and Open Society, among others.

The appointments have been ratified by the Management Committee, as explained by the PP, which has indicated that the three coordinators, together with the entire organization chart, are “fully involved” in preparing the campaign for elections for which the PP works “with force” in order to achieve “the forceful change that Spain needs”.

In these preparations –the ‘popular’ have specified–, Gamarra, as coordinator of the program area, is planning meetings with civil society, in which emphasis will be placed on all the aspects that make up the program, to which they will add the contributions of ‘Reformismo21’, the foundation of the PP.

Within the team that will draft the PP program are the Deputy Secretary of Economy, Juan Bravo; that of Social Policies and Demographic Challenge, Carmen Fúnez, and that of Institutional, MEP Esteban González Pons.

And with a view to forming the candidacies, from the PP they indicate that they work together with “the best teams”, who gather “experience and renewal”, to present professional profiles on the lists that can be part of a majority group that “gives legislative support that the Government of Spain needs”, with the Deputy Secretary for Regional and Local Policy, Pedro Rollán, leading the territorial campaign.

The PP celebrates that its “success” in the municipal and regional elections on May 28 has meant a “overturn” in autonomous communities and large capitals, showing that the Spanish are “demanding” a “change” of government.

“The Popular Party does not want to let a minute go by without thoroughly preparing the repeal of sanchismo,” they remarked in a note, in which they stated that for there to be change they have to “excite and transform” with serious policies, reforms, and useful initiatives for that Spain “stop occupying the position to which the failed policies of the PSOE and its partners have relegated it” and be “where it deserves”.

Bendodo, in his case, has already been appointed campaign manager of the PP for the municipal and regional elections. Sémper, for his part, also served as campaign spokesperson for those elections.