The popular ‘barons’ are willing to present themselves without prior agreements with Vox, which warns that they will not give their votes “for free”


The results of the autonomous elections last Sunday open the door to changes of government in several autonomous communities, although for this the Popular Party needs the vote in favor of the Vox deputies in Extremadura, the Valencian Community and Aragon; while it is enough to abstain in Murcia and the Balearic Islands.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has given his autonomous ‘barons’ freedom to negotiate agreements for their respective investiture sessions, although those who have not obtained an absolute majority in the elections on May 28 are willing to appear at the investiture session without having closed any kind of prior agreement with Vox.

However, those of Santiago Abascal already said throughout the electoral campaign that they would not give their votes “for free” because they are not “the broom car” of the ‘popular’. And although they have assured that all their efforts are put into forming an “alternative” to the PSOE, they stress that the PP is the one that must decide whether to talk to them or prefer to let the Socialists govern.

In Extremadura, the PSOE was the party with the most votes, although the Socialists and ‘Populares’ tied for 28 seats. The absolute majority is at 33 seats, a sum that the PSOE and Podemos (28 and 4 deputies) do not reach, but that the PP could achieve with the five seats of Vox.

However, the ‘popular’ candidate, María Guardiola, insists that she wants to run for the investiture to form a government alone and blames Vox for the fact that the socialist Guillermo Fernández Vara governed.

Also in the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón needs the ‘yes’ of the Vox deputies to reach an absolute majority, located at 50 seats. There, the PP has obtained 40 deputies and Vox 13, compared to 31 for the PSOE and 15 for Compromís.

The third autonomy where the favorable vote of those of Santiago Abascal is necessary is Aragon, where the PP and Vox (28 and 7) would exceed the 34 seats set for the majority and would add more votes than the PSOE, La Chunta, Teruel ExiSte, Podemos , UI and the PAR.

The opposite case is that of Murcia, where the 21 seats obtained by the ‘populares’ this Sunday leave Fernando López Miras close to an absolute majority and the abstention of the nine Vox deputies would be enough to facilitate the government of the PP.

Also in the Balearic Islands, abstention would be enough, since the PP alone (adding the seat of its Sa Unió group in Formentera) has more seats than the sum of PSOE, MÉS, Més per Menorca and Unidas Podemos. The absolute majority is set at 30 seats in an Assembly in which the ‘popular’ will occupy 25 seats and Vox another eight.

For his part, the situation in Cantabria cleared up this Tuesday when the leader of the Regionalist Party (PRC), Miguel Ángel Revilla, announced that he will not hinder a PP government so that the community “does not become contaminated” with Vox.

This clarifies the investiture of the ‘popular’ María José Sáenz de Buruaga as president by a regional Parliament in which the PP has 15 deputies, eight the PRC, another eight the PSOE and four Vox.

Nor does the PP need Vox in the Community of Madrid or in La Rioja thanks to the absolute majority of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Gonzalo Capellán. In La Rioja, Vox has managed to access its Parliament for the first time with two deputies, but they are not necessary for the formation of a government.

In the case of Madrid, it is the only autonomy in which Vox has worsened results, dropping ten deputies out of the thirteen that it won in the 2021 elections.