He says that Sánchez “is clear that he has lost the elections, call them now or in December”


The acting president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, stated on Tuesday that, as leader of the Regionalist Party, he does not intend to “hinder” the formation of a PP government in the region, after its “spectacular” result in the elections, because the PRC “is not a scavenger party” and so that the community “does not get contaminated” with a PP-Vox pact.

“I, who have defended this land above all else, am going to try to make it governable,” he assured in statements to the Espejo Público program on Antena 3, collected by Europa Press.

However, he did not want to “advance” his idea regarding the governance of Cantabria after 28M – where the PP has won the elections but without an absolute majority – and that he will make public in the Executive Committee of the PRC that will be held this Thursday .

Yes, he has advanced that he will try “by all means” that Cantabria “is not contaminated” with a PP-Vox pact, because Abascal’s is an “anti-autonomy of Cantabria” party and with other “components that are in the antipodes of the PRC “.

After opining that he has done “a good job” for “so many years”, in which he has managed to put “Cantabria on the map”, Revilla has said that he does not intend to “obstruct” the PP government, which he considers “sensible “because in politics “you have to collaborate when you have to collaborate and be the opposition when you have to be the opposition.”

In this sense, he has assured that he will return to the Parliament of Cantabria –“it is very worthy to be a deputy”– and he will make a “transition” in the PRC because “I am no longer going to present myself again” in order to “leave a party that can continue to function and collaborate so that Cantabria is a little bigger every day”.

“Nobody likes defeats but I face them naturally because in politics these things happen and euphoria must be contained and defeats must be accepted.”

On the other hand, asked about what he augurs for the PSOE in the July electoral advance, Revilla has assured that the president, Pedro Sánchez, “is clear that he has lost the elections, whether he calls them now or in December.” “It is an early resignation,” he stressed.

“Think: I am going to lose now and I am going to lose in December; I save myself this suffering of putting up with the opposition that asks me for elections and the partners by turning green,” Revilla said.

And to this is added a fact “that will inevitably happen” such as “the cuts” approved by the European Summit, which “is going to place restrictions on this open bar that we have had in the pandemic.” “The little money is over, and Sánchez would have to announce that as president of the European Union. And then he says, let Mr. Feijóo announce it better,” he maintained.

The regionalist believes that Sánchez “already had thought” to advance the elections before 28M, and he knows that there is “a lot of anger in the PSOE”, especially from regional presidents and “responsible” positions, who “complain a lot that it is a man who makes decisions in a circle that hardly anyone reaches”, which “leaves them very confused; there is a lot of anger”, he assured.

Questioned about the fact that Sánchez has not contacted the socialist barons after the elections, Revilla has said that he has not called him either, but the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has given him encouragement. “It is a great detail that the opposition calls you,” he considered.

And, in this sense, he has opined that Sánchez is “a very special guy”. “I am concerned about how the party leaves, because they are not only going to lose the elections: what has remained there is scorched earth,” he acknowledged, pointing out that “personalism, arrogance, is not good.”

According to Revilla, “it all started with the Catalan process” and the pact of the PSOE with parties “with tremendous legacies like Bildu”, which “has completely weighed down” the Socialist Party. “I understand Pedro’s ambition to be president but he has lowered the expectations of the PSOE.” However, for the regionalist, what “has been weighing down” the Socialists throughout the legislature has been “Pedro’s change of saying that he was going to govern alone and then doing the opposite.”

That is why “the tide” of the PP “has been growing” and in the case of the PRC with the “aggravating factor” that it has been a partner of the PSOE in Cantabria. “The national elections that were coming have made these (autonomous and municipal) a bipartisanship in which the one who was for the change has voted for the PP”, he has valued.