Bilbao, 24 May

In this year’s edition, a total of 43 prizes have been awarded in the different categories and recognitions have been established for the honorary members of COASHIQ

COASHIQ, the Business Association for Safety, Hygiene and Environment in the Chemical Industry, has held the delivery of its Annual Safety Management Awards in Bilbao. These awards are a benchmark within the sector and industry and with them the Association recognizes the work, activity, good practices and accident statistics of its associated companies during the year 2022. COASHIQ celebrates this important annual event in the Basque Country, as well as its 113th Assembly-Technical Seminar, in collaboration with Aveq-Kimica, given that both entities have common partners and synergies in their work to reinforce safety and the environment in the chemical sector. The president of Aveq-Kimica, Ángela Fernández, thanked COASHIQ for bringing its awards to Bilbao, as well as its contribution to the chemical sector continuing to be a benchmark in occupational risk prevention. “Forums like COASHIQ are fundamental so that prevention and safety technicians can share knowledge,” he said, also highlighting the great demands that safety technicians live with on a daily basis. The National Center for Machinery Verification, headquarters of the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work (CNVM-INSST) was represented by its director, José Ramón Martín, who thanked the possibility of participating in the event, both personally and professionally. From COASHIQ, the improvement of the Indices of Frequency (IF) and Severity Indices (IG) in a year 2022 in which the hiring of personnel in the chemical sector has had a strong rebound, approaching the historical record of hours worked in 2013. Likewise, the decrease in occupational diseases based on last year’s data and proposed, in line with the constant improvement in health and safety in the sector, a new Frequency Index of 6.09. Ángel Monzón, president of COASHIQ, presented the prizes and awards in collaboration with José Ramón Martín, director of the CNVM, and Ángela Fernández, president of AVEQ-KIMICA. In this edition, COASHIQ has presented a total of 43 awards in the three usual categories of the group, while establishing recognition of “honorary members” of a personal nature to professionals who are no longer linked to the sector, but who want to recognize their great personal and professional contribution to the development of the Association for years.• “COASHIQ Felicita”, recognizes a reduction of at least 60% in the Frequency Index (*) of accidents compared to the sum of the Frequency Indices of previous years. • Diploma, recognizes companies that, after a first year of permanence in COASHIQ, they have achieved a value of 0 Accidents during the year 2022.• In addition, the Plaque is given as special recognition to those companies that have managed to maintain the Frequency Rate of 0 Accidents for three or more years of consecutively.This is the list of awards in the three categories:COASHIQ SECURITY MANAGEMENT AWARDS 2022CONGRATULATES FOR THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN ITS FREQUENCY RATE• Abbot Laboratories, SA – Madrid• Adiego Hermanos, SA – Zaragoza• Antonio Puig, SA – Barcelona • Asfaltos Españoles (Asesa) – Tarragona • Basf Española, SL – Catalonia Zone – Barcelona • Budenheim Ibérica SLU – Zaragoza • CURIA Spain, SAU – Valladolid • Esteve Química, SA – Banyeres del Penedés Plant – Tarragona • Famar Health Care Services Madrid, SAU – Madrid• GlaxoSmithkine, SA – Madrid• Industrias Químicas del Oxido de Etileno (IQOXE) – Barcelona• Laboratorios Lilly, SAU – Madrid• Laboratorios Ordesa – Barcelona• Receptora de Líquidos, SA (RELISA) – Barcelona• Repsol Butano, SA – MadridContactContact name: Consuelo TorresContact description: Consuelo TorresContact telephone number: 913821529