78% of Spaniards have consumed this premium fish in the last six months, according to a new Ipsos survey for the Norwegian Seafood Council

Salmon has been gaining popularity in recent years to become the favorite fish of Spanish consumers. To the point that, last year, salmon surpassed for the first time in history in Mercamadrid the sales of the now number one: the almighty hake. A new survey carried out by IPSOS for the Norwegian Seafood Council once again confirms that salmon consumption continues its meteoric rise, largely helped by the rise of oriental dishes such as “poké”.

Thus, 78% of the consumers surveyed have consumed salmon during the last six months, a percentage that rises to 83% among Spaniards between the ages of 35 and 65. 53% had sushi with salmon; 28% opted for sashimi with salmon and, the same percentage, opted for poke with salmon. The predilection of salmon over other species materializes, for example, in that only 13% of those surveyed take poke with a different fish, highlights this online survey.

The poke bowl is a traditional Hawaiian dish that was invented in a port by fishermen who, after finishing fishing, prepared their food and mixed the fish from the daily catch with rice. These origins date back to the time of the native Hawaiians, before the arrival of Captain Cook and his crew. In those days, a very basic poké was consumed, which consisted of gutted fish, without skin or bones. In the 1980s, poké crossed from the Pacific islands to California, where it became very popular and merged with new trendy flavors. Thus, over the years, it has absorbed part of the typical ingredients of other cuisines and has adopted salmon as a key ingredient for its preparation in all latitudes. Currently, restaurants specializing in poke are constantly emerging and it is even common to find it ready-to-eat in the main supermarket chains, such as Mercadona.

Returning to the data from the IPSOS survey, and by region, the greatest consumption of salmon is concentrated in the area of ??Madrid and the center (80%), East (78%), South and the Canary Islands (77%) and Northwest and Northeast (73%). Sushi with salmon as an ingredient is the preferred modality: 60% in Madrid; 56% in the East area; 48% in the South and the Canary Islands; 47% in the Northwest and Northeast. Meanwhile, poke with salmon continues to grow until reaching percentages of 25% in the northwest and northeast regions; 29% in Madrid and downtown; 29% in the eastern zone and 26% in Andalusia and the Canary Islands.

Household consumption

Household consumption, meanwhile, gains prominence year after year, as confirmed by the latest Ipsos survey. Thus, for example, 74% of consumers have tried to make salmon at home in the last six months; 22% poké with salmon and 31% sashimi or sushi with salmon, so that this fish prevails by a landslide over other types of fish as a star ingredient. By geographical areas, the most loyal consumers of salmon to eat at home come from Catalonia and Aragon (79%), Madrid and surroundings (74%), north-central (75%), northwest (73%), Andalusia (71%), %) and Levante (76%).

Norwegian salmon, leader in the national market

Norwegian salmon is one of the foods most valued by Spaniards, according to data shown by other surveys also carried out by Ipsos for the Norwegian Seafood Council. Thus, for example, eight out of 10 Spaniards eat salmon at home at least once a month, while 31% eat it in restaurants. Among the benefits that consumers associate with Norwegian salmon, 90% believe that it is healthy; 85% consider it “tasty” and 83% value that “it is quick and easy to prepare”.

Nutritious and sustainable salmon

Norwegian Salmon stands out for its flavor, nutritional properties and guarantee of food safety, traceability and sustainability. As an example, only a 150-gram serving of salmon covers the recommended weekly Omega 3 needs and the daily amount of vitamin D while being a source of some essential minerals such as phosphorus and potassium and antioxidants such as selenium and vitamin E. In total, sales of all fish from Norway to Spain (direct exports) exceeded 30,035 tons from January to April 2023 worth 243 million euros (12%). In salmon, sales have gone from 85,000 tons in 2019 to more than 115,000 in 2022, while from January to April 2023, the value of exports to Spain has grown by 10% year-on-year.

The Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) reports directly to the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and is responsible for publicizing the differential values ??of national benchmarks. The NSC is headquartered in Tromsø and has local offices in 12 of the world’s largest Norwegian seafood markets: Sweden, Germany, UK, France, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Japan, China, Singapore and the US. , apart from Spain.


Contact name: Tactics Europe

Contact description: Norwegian Seafood Council

Contact phone: 915062860



Caption: Recipe with Norwegian Salmon Author: Norwegian Sea