The subsidies that the parties will receive for this concept increase by 9% and reach up to 12.3 million


The political parties that obtain representation in the regional elections on May 28 will obtain a different subsidy for each seat achieved, since the figure varies according to the autonomous community, ranging from 11,237 euros that Cantabria will pay to the more than 22,000 euros that the Government of the Canary Islands.

Specifically, the Canary Islands, with 22,429 euros, will be the autonomous community that will pay the most to the parties for each seat obtained in these elections on May 28, which means that a total of 1.5 million will be spent on subsidies for the 70 deputies that make up its Parliament.

Of course, Madrid will be the region that will allocate the most total money to pay the parties for the 136 seats it has in the Assembly, some 2.9 million euros, and that for each deputy it advocates a smaller subsidy than the Canary Islands: 21,999 euros .

This is clear from the rules collected by Europa Press that have been approved by the different regional governments with a view to the elections on May 28. Therefore, the communities that do not hold elections are not included in this relationship, some of which paid higher amounts in their day: Euskadi paid 27,939 euros, Catalonia another 16,102 euros, and Andalusia 23,035 euros, among others.

In any case, the communities of May 28 are going to increase the subsidy they grant to the parties for each seat by almost 9% compared to the autonomous communities of 2019, except for Cantabria, which is the only region that maintains the same amount, 11,237 euros. .

In this context, the Balearic Islands is the community that has increased these subsidies the most in relation to the four-year event, more than 36%, going from the 12,777 euros that it granted per seat in 2019 to the 17,405 euros that it will pay to the parties for deputy in the May 28 elections.

In contrast, Castilla-La Mancha and Aragón have barely increased the subsidy by one euro for each seat compared to the previous elections, while Cantabria has decided to maintain the same amount, which has led it to position itself as the community that grants the least to parties per deputy.

And if the Canary Islands, Madrid or the Balearic Islands are the autonomous communities that will allocate the most items to pay the parties that achieve regional representation, on the other side of the table are Cantabria, Castilla La-Mancha and La Rioja.

Thus, Cantabria will allocate 11,237 euros for each deputy, which multiplied by its 35 representatives, gives a total of 393,299 euros. Castilla-La Mancha will spend 12,811 euros for each deputy, which will imply a total item of 422,748 euros, while La Rioja will invest a total of 450,645 euros, paying 13,656 for each seat.

In addition to the payment for each seat, the autonomous communities also subsidize political formations for each vote harvested, as long as their list obtains at least one representative.

Navarra will be the one that pays the most (1.13 euros per vote), followed by Madrid (1.11 euros) and La Rioja (1.08 euros per vote), while on the opposite side is the Canary Islands, which will only pay between 10 and 20 cents per vote, together with the Balearic Islands (57 cents per ballot) and Castilla La-Mancha (60 cents).

The Valencian Community rewards 70 cents per vote to each formation that obtains at least one seat, although it also pays another 70 cents per ballot to the formations that overcome the 3% support barrier.

This is the list of subsidies per seat and per vote that the autonomous communities will pay as compensation for the electoral expenses of the parties on May 28, in euros:

– Canary Islands: 22,429 per seat and between 10 and 20 cents per vote

– Madrid: 21,999 per deputy and 1.11 per vote

– Balearic Islands: 17,405 per seat and 57 cents per vote

– Asturias: 16,698 euros per seat and 84 cents per ballot

– Extremadura: 16,249 per deputy and 65 cents per vote

– Navarra: 14,206 per deputy and 1.13 euros per vote

– Valencian Community: 13,923 per seat and 70 cents per vote

– La Rioja: 13,656 per deputy and 1.08 euros per vote

– Murcia: 13,312 per representative and 70 cents per ballot

– Castilla-La Mancha: 12,811 seats and 60 cents per vote

– Aragon: 12,611 per deputy and 76 cents per vote

– Cantabria: 11,237 per deputy and 89 cents per vote

The subsidies that were awarded in autonomous communities where electoral appointments were held in the last three years in euros are the following:

– Basque Country: 27,939 per deputy and 94 cents per vote.

– Andalusia: 23,035 per seat and 85 cents per vote.

– Galicia: 21,737 per deputy and 80 cents per ballot.

– Catalonia: 16,102 per deputy and 61 cents per vote.

– Castilla y León: 10,206 per representative and 40 cents per vote