‘Génova’ will attack with inflation and mortgages and believes that it does not take away votes that Sánchez trusts his campaign to the “environmentalism” of Doñana


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has recovered the economy as the central axis of his campaign messages before the elections on May 28 and will use the rise in mortgages and inflation as the main arguments to dismantle the economic “triumphalism” of the Government . In addition, he will enter the clash against the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, in terms of housing to refute his “unfulfilled promises” and denounce how the new Housing Law “facilitates” illegal occupation, according to what ‘popular’ sources have indicated to Europa Press ‘.

The leadership of the PP maintains that the Executive of PSOE and Unidas Podemos has raised the “flag of environmentalism” with the Doñana National Park to try to mobilize “disenchanted voters on the left.” However, sources from Feijóo’s team believe that this issue does not take votes away from the PP but can even help it win in Huelva, whose mayor’s office is in the hands of the Socialists.

After the trickle of Sánchez’s ads on housing, ‘Génova’ focuses its arguments on underlining the “little credibility” that the president has because in five years he has built “zero homes” and has not sought solutions to such a “complex” problem. in which it is necessary to count on the collaboration of town halls and autonomous communities, according to PP sources.

“Nobody believes Sánchez’s promises,” sums up a member of the party leadership, who believes that even in the Socialist ranks they received the latest announcement to build 20,000 new homes for social rental on Defense and which would lead to a total of 183,000 homes. “This bid for promises is not to talk about housing but to talk about castles in the air,” Feijóo said on Friday in Tarragona.

In his clash with Sánchez on housing, Feijóo has emphasized illegal occupation that, in his opinion, “facilitates” the new Housing Law approved this week in Congress. The ‘popular’ argue that this rule is the “price” that Sánchez pays his partners from Bildu and ERC to remain in the Moncloa Palace.

The leader of the PP takes advantage of his electoral acts to explain where he is going with his proposals based on “useful” and “real” measures, according to the ‘popular’. Thus, he emphasizes helping young people – he proposes that the State guarantee them 15% in the purchase of their first home or an emancipation grant of one thousand euros–; create a “solidarity fund” with banks to help with mortgages for low and medium incomes; and aid of up to 750 euros to reduce its cost.

The ‘popular’ consider that “reality belies Sánchez”, after this week the CPI has risen again, since it rose eight tenths in April and reached 4.1%. According to the ‘popular’, families “continue to cost them even more for the shopping basket or gasoline” while the Government is focused on “electoral announcements.”

Apart from inflation or the rise in mortgages, the PP will also emphasize unemployment, since, in its opinion, the latest data also refute that “euphoria” of the Executive of PSOE and United We Can. This week, the INE confirmed the rise in unemployment by 103,800 people between January and March, which is 3.4% more than in the previous quarter, while employment fell by 11,100 jobs, its smallest decrease in a first quarter since 2007.

In the ranks of the PP they emphasize that the economic data that is being released is not “good” and reflects that “Pedro Sánchez’s policies do not work”, an argument that they will highlight in the campaign before the 28M elections. On the contrary, from the Executive they have accused the PP in recent months of signing up for an economic “catastrophism” that does not coincide with reality.

Despite the fact that this week the PSOE and PP have voted together to approve the legal reform of the so-called ‘only yes is yes’ law, which has already caused more than a thousand reductions in sentences for sexual offenders and a hundred releases, the PP will continue to attack the Government with this matter and demand political responsibilities from Pedro Sánchez.

The PP considers that the Government must assume responsibilities given that, as they emphasize, the effects of this “legal botch” will extend at least until December. “Now Pedro Sánchez must assume responsibility for him: either fire someone or let him go,” Feijóo declared a few days ago.

The PP will insist that the legal reform of the ‘if it is yes’ that has modified the range of penalties allows “to stop the bleeding” but the “drip” of sales will continue “until December”, explains a member of the leadership of the PP. For this reason, ‘Génova’ will continue to use this matter against Sánchez in the campaign.

And in its campaign argument, the PP will also emphasize the “division” that exists within the Executive, with “three fractions” (alluding to PSOE, Podemos and Sumar). “The division in the Government is a weak point of Sánchez, who does not have the authority to dismiss anyone,” they assure Europa Press from Feijóo’s team.

The ‘popular’ consider that there is “anger” in the street against the chief executive and will dedicate their electoral acts to repeat one of Feijóo’s new mantras: “you have to repeal sanchismo” at the polls and put an end to the “broken” government ” and “in decomposition”, indicate the sources consulted.