The president of the Junta de Andalucía believes that “you cannot talk about Doñana, when there is no discourse on water” and demands a Water Infrastructure Plan from Sánchez


The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, stated this Saturday that he would “never put Doñana at risk” with the irrigation bill and has asked the Government to “sit down and present its alternatives” to a problem that, highlighted “is not environmental” because the Natural Park “is protected” but “inherited from the previous socialist government in Andalusia” and “affects 800 families, who are in a situation of legality”.

Moreno spoke like this at a press conference at the headquarters of the PP of the Balearic Islands, in Palma, in which he recalled that the Doñana irrigation bill “was taken by the PP in its electoral program, endorsed by the citizens , in a majority way by the citizens of Huelva and, from there, what is done is to fulfill a commitment”.

In this sense, he explained, “what has been done is to start a process, a bill, which is subject to modifications, like any other that is presented in the Parliament of Andalusia.” And, he has gone on to say, “of course, one is willing to listen to the alternatives, if there are any, of course.”

“We have a problem and we have proposed a possible solution”, defended Moreno, who has urged the Government of Spain which, he recalled, “has been since December without responding to the requests of the Board to sit down and talk about this issue “, that” they sit down and ask what their alternative is.

“The same thing that I am saying is the same that socialist leaders in Andalusia are saying, such as, for example, the mayors of the northern crown of the PSOE or Mr. Alfonso Guerra,” he stressed, evidencing “the division that exists in the PSOE itself “

For this reason, he has considered, “the unprecedented attack on Andalusia that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is generating, solely and exclusively for scratching a handful of votes in the elections on May 28, does not make any sense.”

Faced with this, Moreno has called for “sanity and stop insulting” because, in his opinion, “a government must act from institutional responsibility and from the utmost loyalty and, above all, with education, serenity and good sense.”

Thus, he specified, the Junta de Andalucía “continues to wait for someone from the Government to assume his responsibility, sit at a table and say what is his alternative to solve the problem of these families.”

“We are willing to listen to whatever they may be, because we are an executive with dialogue, capable of reaching agreements,” he reiterated. However, Moreno stressed, “what the Government of Andalusia cannot do is sit back and let this problem rot.”

To finish with this question, Moreno Bonilla has asked that “no one fall into the lie” because “Doñana is hyper-protected” because “it has the most demanding law in Europe and, from a moral point of view, it would never put the Doñana Park, one of nature’s jewels”.

“Doñana, therefore, remains on the sidelines,” he said, reiterating that “what there is is a problem 35 kilometers from the Natural Park, which is the one that the Government of Andalusia wants to solve.” “We are going to see if they put arrogance aside and allow us dialogue, serenity and tackle the problem”, she concluded.

On the other hand, the president of the Junta de Andalucía has made reference to the problem of drought, pointing out that “this is a problem that is beginning to be structural, as a consequence of climate change, which has caused rainfall, from 1980 to now , in southern Spain are decreasing”.

For this reason, he recalled how the Andalusian Government has launched what they have dubbed the ‘SOS Plan’ to support agriculture and livestock. In addition, he has recalled how the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has been asked to implement “a water infrastructure plan, in short, a national water policy” to put an end to this problem.

In this regard, he regretted that “until now, in Andalusia, where 67 percent of the competition and the water authority is the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Conference, dependent on the State, it has not done a single water work.”

“You cannot talk about Doñana, when you have not been able, through technical means, to transfer water to Doñana, precisely so that those aquifers do not dry up; you cannot talk about the environment, when you have not been able of building a desalination plant, or a treatment plant, or a water connection, when you don’t have a discourse on water”, he underlined.

“This country that lives from the primary sector, mostly, and from the service sector, especially through tourism, needs water,” he claimed and advocated “using technology” and “the capacity available” to “have state-of-the-art desalination plants, with photovoltaic panels, to regenerate all the water that is consumed, to transfer it from the wettest basins to other regions”.

In short, he stressed, “many things can be done.” “What cannot be done is sit back and do nothing”, he specified and warned, “if it does not rain in approximately six months, Spain will have an unemployment problem, a serious problem of economic slowdown and a conflict social and economic in the interior of Andalusia”.

“Our ranchers and farmers can’t take it anymore,” he said, pointing out that “they won’t put up with inflation and drought.” For this reason, he has once again asked the State to “through the European Funds, rescheduling them, through the capacities they have, the enormous collection they are having, allocate urgent resources so that there are water works.”

“If there is no water in Andalusia, we will have a drama and, if there is a drama in the leading agricultural power in Spain, which is Andalusia, we will also have one at the national level”, he concluded.