The Justice Commission of the Congress has approved this Tuesday the presentation report of the reform to the Law of the ‘only yes is yes’ promoted by the PSOE and which has had the support of PP, PNV and Junts. United We Can, ERC and Bildu have positioned themselves against, while Vox has decided not to vote.

The text, which will be ratified this Thursday in the plenary session of the lower house, has finally been approved with several modifications, mainly technical, that the Socialists have agreed with the PP. Among them, the text that corrects the declassification that the law makes by mistake of the distribution or public dissemination through the Internet, the telephone or any other information or communication technology of content specifically intended to promote, incite or encourage the commission of crimes of sexual assault when it comes to minors under 16 years of age.

In addition, a new text has been included that introduces the liability of the legal person in cases of degrading treatment, workplace harassment or property harassment.

On the other hand, modifications have been made to the wording, also in agreement with the PP, to eliminate a word that was not correct, to refer to minors under 16 as such, and not as adults, as the law or to adapt the explanatory memorandum to these new changes.

During the debate, the partners of the Government that promoted his investiture have reproached the PSOE for its agreement with the PP to carry out this modification and have called on it to reflect before Thursday and return to the side of the rest of the groups with which it has carried out the most of its legislative initiatives.