The president of Castilla-La Mancha and PSOE candidate for re-election in the upcoming elections in May, Emiliano García-Page, has assured that there will be people who have been part of Ciudadanos who will go as mayoral candidates on the lists Socialists and has even advanced his intention to have some of those who have been deputies for the orange formation during this legislature in his next Government, in which “the positions will not depend on the card” of the PSOE.

“We have a lot of CS people, the majority of CS cadres who may be left out of the game in these elections” and are “for collaborating with the PSOE”, García-Page has advanced in an interview with Europa Press, where he has indicated that there will be “several candidates for mayors” of the formation that they will present “shortly” and that they are going to run in candidacies with the Socialists.

In this context, he cites former Citizens deputy Alejandro Ruiz, with whom he had “a very good relationship” but who “came out very scalded and they are useful people”, although he does not want to anticipate any other name “because the people he would like to name I appreciate them enough not to screw them up before.”

Asked by the parliamentarian David Muñoz, García-Page points out that “he is a good person” and “he has defended CS until the last minute that elections have been called”, being a person who “has not collaborated at all with the PSOE” and that ” He has defended Ciudadanos at all costs”, recalling that “some of the most bitter debates” in the regional Parliament have been with him, which “does not take away any value”.

“I have no contact with anyone and no one has transferred me” nothing in this regard, clarifies the regional president, who also quotes among the people who remain in Ciudadanos and have collaborated with the PSOE the former mayor of Albacete –during the first part of the legislature under the governance agreement reached in the city– and current vice mayor, Vicente Casañ, a person who is appreciated in the PSOE “in the same proportion in which he is despised by the PP”.

The regional official mentions other names such as that of the former Toledo councilor with Ganemos, Javier Mateo, whom he considers a friend and respects, and “who will always do what he wants”, but who would like one day “to be able to collaborate directly or indirectly”. with him, or people from Podemos who, on the contrary, according to García-Page, would say no, such as the former counselor Inmaculada Herranz or the deputy of the purple formation during the last legislature, María Díaz. “Regardless of the fact that they say no, my opinion is that they are worth” and the people who are worth “it is good that they collaborate in politics.”

“The important thing about this is that the positions that the Autonomous Community has are not going to depend on the card, they are going to depend on the capacity, whether they are from Citizens or from Podemos. It is a sponge capacity that this Government has” and himself as president , highlights García-Page, who emphasizes that “people care more than acronyms.”

In his opinion, if the Spaniards “cared more about acronyms than people, what has happened would not have happened, that everyone has changed their acronyms, except the PSOE. All have reneged on their acronyms.”

In this context and in reference to the future regional government that he would form if elected president, Emiliano García-Page does not consider “neither reducing nor expanding” the current composition “according to any electoral scheme”, and convinced that “it is necessary to organize to the teams in the most coherent way possible”, showing himself “very happy” with the current structure of the government.

In this regard, he recalled that none of his senior positions can be in any other company or receive per diems and stressed that this region has “the largest regime of incompatibilities, of preventive control against corruption, in all of Spain.”

“Someone will say that it is not important, but I will be able to reach the elections after eight years in government by saying that the only general director indicted in Spain for a high crime is Gómez Gordo, the one who was general director in the Presidency with Cospedal.”

Emiliano García-Page ensures that the next legislature wants to raise it with a balanced mix between continuity and change. “The day that I lose my desire to change things, that I become conformist, that day I literally have to think about leaving,” he explains.