The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will present his party’s housing proposal this Tuesday, which will include proposals such as guaranteeing the purchase of the first home for young people with 15%, as well as the cost of the rental deposit for income measures and discharges. In addition, he will propose measures to deal with the illegal “occupation” which, in his opinion, is a “glaring absence” in the law presented by the Government of PSOE and Podemos.

This has been announced by the Deputy Secretary for Culture and Open Society, Borja Sémper, who has blamed the Chief Executive, Pedro Sánchez, for “not doing anything” in terms of housing in the five years he has been in Moncloa and now “Take out of the hat” the mobilization of 50,000 Sareb homes for affordable rentals.

In a press conference after the meeting of the PP management committee chaired by Feijóo, Sémper indicated that this announcement about Sareb is “more smoke” and added that the Housing Law that the Government has agreed with some of its investiture partners give off “electoral whiffs”, while the PP wants to be “serious” and “flee from the occurrence”. To this point, he has advocated a national housing pact.

Sémper has announced that Feijóo will present this Tuesday in a municipality of the Community of Madrid the alternative proposal of the PP in terms of housing and has announced two approaches that it will include: guarantee the cost of the rental deposit “imposed by the owners” in the case of people “younger or with measured and low incomes”; and a guarantee of 15% for young people who buy their first home.

“The guarantee for the purchase of the first home for young people, a guarantee of 15% for the purchase of the first home and this is a measure that has proven to be effective. We are doing it in many communities, in the communities autonomous regions where the Popular Party governs”, explained Sémper.