The Spanish bishops have offered to “lead” the fight against pedophilia in all areas of society and have asked for “pardon” for this “great sin.”

“The Church wants to lead the fight against this scourge that affects one in five children in Europe,” said the president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) and Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, ??Juan José Omella, this Monday, during the speech inaugural ceremony of the Plenary Assembly that brings together all the bishops this week in Madrid.

In any case, Omella regretted “without shying away from any of the responsibilities” of the Church, “that for the moment this painful issue is not being addressed in its global dimension and that it is insisted on analyzing this drama exclusively within the ambit of the Church “.

“The Church confesses its sin, but denounces that this same fact, which affects many other sectors of society, is not exposed, in order to seek together a solution that covers the full extent of this social problem,” he said.

Thus, Cardinal Omella has reiterated his “humble and sincere request for forgiveness from the victims” and has assured that “the Church in Spain is committed to the protection of minors and the prevention of sexual abuse committed, both within the framework of its activity, as in all of society”.

In this sense, he has said that “it is not enough to ask for forgiveness” for “this great sin” and has assured that they will “continue collaborating with the judges, the prosecution and the ombudsman, providing all the information” they have and activating its protocols.

He has also highlighted the work they are doing through the protocols and the 202 offices for receiving complaints of abuse in the dioceses and religious congregations.

In addition, he recalled that the EEC Plenary Assembly approved, in April 2021, the creation of a coordination and advisory service for diocesan offices; that, since February 2022, an audit commissioned by the EEC to the law firm Cremades is underway