Barcelona, ??April 17, 2023.

The exonerated, Alejandro Satorre, assures after the success of his process that “I am free” and recommends other people to start the process

Repair your Debt Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the processing of the Second Chance Law, has achieved another debt cancellation in Catalonia. Through the management of Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the Court of First Instance No. 1 of Terrassa (Barcelona) has issued the benefit of exoneration of the unsatisfied liability in the case of Alejandro Satorre, who had accumulated a debt of 15,261 euros that he could not make forehead. SEE SENTENCE The exonerated himself assures, after knowing the result of his process, that “I am free, thank God. I did not believe it. I believed that this day would never come and, in the end, it has arrived. It is reality”. On whether he recommends other people who are in the same situation to take advantage of the law, he affirms “that they do it. Without sacrifice there is no victory. A decision changes everything. I made the decision. I bet on you. This is not for a day for another but, in the end, it is achieved. There are many people who need these things”, he concludes. SEE VIDEOAs the lawyers of Repara tu Deuda explain, “Spain was one of the countries that took the longest to incorporate the Second Chance Law into its system, a system provided for the cancellation of the debt of individuals and the self-employed. It did so in 2015 , one year after the Recommendation by the European Commission. There has recently been a reform of this mechanism to facilitate procedures and speed up debt cancellation times”. Repair your Debt Abogados has helped, since its inception in September 2015, many people in desperate situations for not being able to assume the debts contracted. Since then, more than 20,000 have resorted to their services with a view to reactivating the economy and being able to start a second life from scratch. The law firm carries out a prior analysis of the potential beneficiary’s situation to see if it really meets the requirements to be able to benefit from this tool. The objective is total transparency so as not to waste time or money on those who will not obtain a satisfactory result. Among the services offered is also the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages. The Second Chance Law allows individuals and self-employed individuals to be exonerated from debt payment provided that it is previously demonstrated that they have acted in good faith, that the bankrupt does not owe more than 5 million euros and that he has not been convicted of socioeconomic crimes in the last ten years.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: David Guerrero Contact telephone number: 655956735
