He affirms that “praise God” if Podemos sinks and describes the government’s strategy with Sumar as “wrong”


The former vice president of the Government Alfonso Guerra has placed among the most complicated moments of the PSOE in its history the decision to be, along with UGT, in the Council of State during the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, his “strange” behavior in the revolution of October 1934 and his current alliances with “sectors that do not represent” socialism, without expressly referring to anyone.

This is how the former socialist leader expressed himself in an interview on Cadena COPE, collected this Thursday by Europa Press, when asked about the mistakes he believes the PSOE has made and on the occasion of the reissue of his book ‘La España en la believe’.

Guerra has recognized that the socialist formation has gone through “very complicated” episodes throughout its existence, starting with the “persecution” against its founder, Pablo Iglesias Posse, who was “alone” in Parliament and “accused him of being a murderer”. .

That said, the former leader has listed among the biggest “mistakes” of the PSOE having, first, participated in the Primo de Rivera dictatorship in the Council of State together with his union, UGT. Second, having had “strange behavior”, and he doesn’t know if it was “erratic”, in the October revolution of 1934, during the Second Republic. And, thirdly and currently, he has aimed to “ally with sectors that do not represent what the PSOE is.”

“The PSOE is a socialist party, but one that bases its roots on freedom and equality. This alliance places the PSOE in another area from which it has to return to its own, which is a liberalism that is typical of socialism. Socialism has freedom and equality are currency. As soon as one of the two things doesn’t work, let’s say socialism goes off the rails,” he said.

Guerra has indicated that the Spain in which he believes is “the one of the Constitution” and for him the problem is that many of today’s members of Congress not only “don’t believe” but are “enemies” who want to “overthrow” it. , and has placed special emphasis on his disagreement with the parliamentary partners of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, saying that they come to Madrid to destroy the regime of 78.

When asked who he wants to win the elections, the one who was ‘number two’ in the Government with Felipe González has expressed his support for the party that defends the Constitution. “If the PSOE only campaigned against the Constitution, I would not be happy with its victory,” he said, stressing that he would be “eager” for the PSOE to win if they campaigned in favor of the Magna Carta.

In addition, he wanted to wink at King Emeritus, Juan Carlos I, of whom he has stated that the controversies and “problems” he has had cannot “overshadow” what he represented. For Guerra, he was a monarch “who for the first time in history has all the power” and decides that “he doesn’t want it”, that “sovereignty should be in the people and hand over those powers”, he said.

On the other hand, taking up the current policies of the PSOE, he wanted to make a distinction between the concept of equality on which his party was based and the one that currently prevails. “Equality between the sexes is fine. But there is another equality, which is social, and that has disappeared,” he lamented.

“Today everyone is determined that the bricklayer’s daughter have the same rights as the bricklayer’s son. And they are determined that the contractor’s daughter have the same rights as the contractor’s son. But I want the son and the bricklayer’s daughter have the same rights as the contractor’s son and daughter. That is the equality that has disappeared today”, he has developed.

On the other hand, he has expressed that the PSOE’s strategy of first trusting in the “collapse” of Podemos to govern alone and that now they bet on Sumar, the project of Vice President Yolanda Díaz, seems “wrong” to repeat the coalition after the generals. And he has assured that “praise God” if the purple formation breaks down.

When asked about the political situation in Spain, Guerra referred to the second vice president’s project, describing it as something that “has not yet borne any fruit” because “there is very little within it.”

With regard to the socialist formation, Guerra has pointed out that for him this is not a “new” PSOE but rather “another” party, which, as he explained, was basing its strategy on the “collapse” of the group We can, what has accompanied, to occur, with a “praise God.”

But now, Guerra has said, they have designed “another” strategy, which is “to base themselves on the vice president with something they call Sumar and that has not yet borne any fruit because there is very little inside there.” “I think that this is a wrong strategy,” she specified.

And he has transferred that “politics at this moment lives in a fragmented Parliament”, which in his opinion “is infinitely worse than the one that everyone reviled, which was that of bipartisanship.”

Although he has not only made reference to the socialists. For Guerra, the Popular Party of Alberto Núñez Feijóo “is also wrong.” “He bets everything on the electoral collapse of the PSOE, and that collapse is not taking place. It is staying below, according to the polls, but maintaining,” he said.

For Guerra, both parties, PSOE and PP, are letting the strategy “be set by others” and that “is a serious mistake for the country,” he concluded.