Ramón Montané, CEO of Stratesys, participated as a speaker in the round table “Connectivity and digital transformation for a productive and sustainable innovation”. The meeting, which was attended by more than 2,000 people, was closed by His Majesty King Felipe VI and the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader. The forum took place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, within the framework of the meeting of Heads of State and Government

Madrid, March 30, 2023.- Ibero-America has a solid business fabric with the potential to promote sustainable economic development and digitization, with the support of investors and government entities. This was one of the most prominent messages at the XIV Ibero-American Business Meeting, the reference event for businessmen and authorities in the region held within the framework of the XXVII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, which took place in Santo Domingo -Republic Dominican Republic- last weekend. The meeting, which was attended by more than 2,000 people, was closed by His Majesty King Felipe VI and the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader. Participating among others: Javier Sánchez Prieto -president of Iberia-, Antonio Huertas -president of Mapfre-, Jordi Hereu -president of Hispasat-, Carlos Cueto -president of Claro Dominican Republic-, Encarna Piñero -CEO of Grupo Piñero-, Alfonso Gómez -CEO of Telefónica Hispanoamérica-, Enrique Riquelme -president of COX Energy- or Antonio Garamendi -president of the CEOE-. In this context, Ramón Montané, CEO of Stratesys -Spanish technology multinational with a presence in Europe and America-, reflected on the potential and opportunities offered by the Ibero-American region to strengthen its global competitiveness thanks to digitization and connection between continents, within the round table “Connectivity and digital transformation for productive and sustainable innovation”. A panel of experts, moderated by Ramón Jáuregui -president of the Euramérica Foundation-, in which top managers of business organizations, technology companies and telecommunications operators from Latin America and Europe participated. During his shift, Montané reviewed various current issues, He spoke about the new digital consumer and shared some keys to disruptive business models that take advantage of available technological innovation (IoT, Big Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence…) as a driver of transformation and long-term return on investment. In relation to Artificial Intelligence, he underlined the great leap experienced in recent months with the demonstration of Generative Artificial Intelligence -ChatGPT-, and anticipated how its next application in all industries will produce significant competitive advantages and disruption, both in business and in processes. There was also time to assess the existing connection opportunities, between both continents, offered by technology. “As the founder of Stratesys, I confirm Stratesys’ commitment to consolidating a technology hub between Europe and America, a great strategic bet that responds to the increase in bilateral investments between the two continents, and that needs to be accompanied by other legal, financial or educational hubs so that the connections and bridges between Europe and America work with the best performance and in a sustainable way over time’ he pointed out at one point in his speech. Ramón Montané completed his participation in this forum highlighting the importance of ‘investing in people to develop digital talent and technology, key to making the future growth of the region’s economies sustainable.” In this context, he referred to the particular case of Stratesys as “a company that has a global team of professionals, with expert knowledge in different and complex ‘stacks ‘technological, in which we try to take advantage of the great existing talent in Europe and Ibero-America, and promote their synchronization’.The XIV Ibero-American Business Meeting, an initiative developed under the slogan “Together for a fair and sustainable Ibero-America” ??and promoted by the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the Council of Ibero-American Businessmen and the National Council of Private Enterprise INC, has served as a forum to share ideas, reflections and challenges regarding investment, sustainability and progress, in addition to seeking commitments and strengthening relationships with Heads of State and Government of Ibero-American countries.

Contact Contact name: Gonzalo Grandes Contact telephone number: 651 96 36 07

Emisor: Stratesys